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IDTT 2012 (Calico Reunion Run) Trail Report


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  • #16
    Originally posted by aw12345 View Post
    It's almost done doing on You tube

    Here ya go

    See if that's something you want to torture your Jeep with
    Art... great little video!!! How did you ever get Col Sanders to make a guest appearance at the end of the shot?? He is looking pretty good these days!!

    Great wheeling with you this weekend!

    My phone was not charging so I was unable to take any pictures this weekend but it appears there was no lack of cameras so no harm no foul there! Great meetings so many other members and it was great putting some faces to names/screen names / nick names... including myself I guess! I am happy I was able to add to the group entertainment factor on Friday evening... You must be impressed that I never spilled my beer!

    MY YJ did great and I could not be happier with all the upgrades and support and and kind words from the members...well most of the members

    Where are we going next???

    Last edited by vwtipeii; 04-01-12, 08:51 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by vwtipeii View Post
      Art... great little video!!! How did you ever get Col Sanders to make a guest appearance at the end of the shot?? He is looking pretty good these days!!

      Great wheeling with you this weekend!

      Hey Skeeter, that's not Col Sanders. That is Doc Holiday if I remember correctly.

      And yes! I'm damned impressed that that beer stayed upright and steady. Clearly you have your priorities straight!
      Last edited by Mike; 04-01-12, 08:54 PM.

      I have finally stopped drinking for good.
      Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


      • #18
        Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who welcomed us to the event and were so kind. A special thanks to Brent for letting my boys ride shotgun with you, they really enjoyed it.

        Here is a link to a couple of pictures and videos of the gatekepper fun.

        We ended up heading home Sat. night, because during the day the wind broke the poles in our tent and pretty much destroyed our camp. So we called it a night, packed it in and headed home to SD. We really had a great time (except for the wind.) Hope to see you all again sometime.


        • #19
          Yup Skeeter, Doc Holliday it is, so Skeeter when are we going to spot you through that thingy with those nice rocks, seems to me it has been awhile since the little YJ has had it's belly scratched.

          Chucky will spot ya he is the one that thinks up all these fun creative lines lol
          Last edited by aw12345; 04-14-12, 05:44 AM.


          • #20
            More to come...


            "An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass" George Washington



            • #21
              Originally posted by aw12345 View Post
              Yup Skeeter, Doc Holliday it is, so Skeeter when are we going to spot you through that thingy with those nice rocks, seems to me it has been awhile since the little YJ has had it's belly scratched.

              Chucky will spot ya he is the one that thinks up all these fun creative lines lol

              Col. Sanders... your Jeep would look like that too if I posted the picture sideways like you did... Now you are making me crave some chicken...hmmm white or dark meat???


              • #22
                Well you clearly messed up your priorities lol none of my chicken wings in your fridge what gives Skeeter :-)

                Mike thanks for the air pic of my Jeep way cool


                • #23
                  Originally posted by aw12345 View Post
                  Well you clearly messed up your priorities lol none of my chicken wings in your fridge what gives Skeeter :-)

                  Mike thanks for the air pic of my Jeep way cool
                  No Prob! It was cool to watch too. I need to try that line one of these days.

                  I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                  Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


                  • #24
                    I got to stop those Chucky creative lines though, them things get ya in trouble lol


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by aw12345 View Post
                      It's almost done doing on You tube

                      Here ya go


                      See if that's something you want to torture your Jeep with
                      Nice video!.Thanks .


                      • #26
                        I wish I could have went,...but with a rod bearing banging in the motor of my jeep I did not want to chance it. Next year ill be there....MATT
                        "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


                        • #27
                          Looks like another epic MJR trip! Great pictures everyone.

                          MK, remarkable color on your pictures!!!!!!!!



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by sarah View Post
                            We made it home safe and sound - thanks to everyone for coming out (especially Jason!), Rick and I had a great time! We stormed Peggy Sue's Saturday morning with at least 40-50 people sitting down inside! And we had at least 3 camps in Mule Canyon.

                            It truly seemed like a reunion this year with Al (igofshn) and Kirk (cetrov), and even Brian (blktj - Happy Birthday!) Our regulars have definitely stepped it up a notch with said deep fryer and some glow which I hope becomes a staple for future events!! We enjoyed meeting some of the newer people to the board and hope to see you sooner than next year

                            Thanks for the pics and videos everyone, you rock, and thanks for hangin' out with us!
                            Sarah, it was great seeing rick and yourself. Great seeing tammy, chris and there new addition, Jordan (congratulatons).
                            1994 Toyota, dual cases, 5.29 axles with ARB's


                            • #29
                              Couple of Jason.


                              Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


                              • #30
                                Amber had a blast driving the RAT. Another one has been assimilated... I brought my camera and didn't take one stinking picture. I should be hung by the thumbs. Thanks to all who did take pics. Great time again as always. Super turn out too. Thanks Sarah.
                                [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                                [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...

