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Jan 13th Weeknd- Friday- MLK Day


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  • #31
    You know I was thinking of posting a Cakewalk run at the Cougar Buttes soon. But I'm only good for Sat. If you want to do the 14th I'll post it. I'm sure we can get a sizable run by then.


    • #32
      Originally posted by mkjeepers View Post
      You know I was thinking of posting a Cakewalk run at the Cougar Buttes soon. But I'm only good for Sat. If you want to do the 14th I'll post it. I'm sure we can get a sizable run by then.
      Hey Mike! Sorry..and thanks, but we want to be on the trails by Friday morning...def take a rain check though!
      Jeep Girl


      • #33
        Since the weather in the Mountains has been so nice - mid 50's - I might post a Big Bear run for next weekend.


        • #34
          Originally posted by daniel_buck View Post
          some of us from the jeep forum are going to Calico, I think the first run will be a night run on friday, and then we'll be running all day saturday and maybe some on sunday. I'm just there saturday though.
          Daniel- we're still debating on where to go. I'll know by Monday and post up. Were you planning on camping or just a day run Saturday ?
          Last edited by I H8RDS; 01-07-12, 02:09 PM.
          Jeep Girl


          • #35
            Lorie, I know some of the folks are camping friday night and saturday night, but me I'm just going saturday for the day runs. I don't know if we've settled on a meet up time and place for saturday morning yet. If you want to go for camping, I would hit up the thread on jeepforum, see if there is any room for one more vehicle there.

            Mike, I'd love to go to CB or BB sometime soon again! Maybe some weekend after the 14th? Saturdays are usually best for me too.
            [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
   - -


            • #36
              ***See first post for final details***

              Jeep Girl


              • #37
                I'm already tied up with the JF folks, I'll be with them on Saturday. Maybe we'll meet up then I'll give you a holler on ch21 unless yall want to meet us at Peggy's or Penny's diner Saturday morning. We still haven't decided on a meet place Saturday (JF isn't efficient as MJR, haha!).
                [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
       - -


                • #38
                  Originally posted by daniel_buck View Post
                  I'm already tied up with the JF folks, I'll be with them on Saturday. Maybe we'll meet up then I'll give you a holler on ch21 unless yall want to meet us at Peggy's or Penny's diner Saturday morning. We still haven't decided on a meet place Saturday (JF isn't efficient as MJR, haha!).
                  We will whip those boys in shape lol
                  Some of them seem to get along pretty well and have fun on the trail which is a good thing


                  • #39
                    Indeed, I've wheeled once or twice with them, it's fun! But I always have fun so long as I'm not on pavement. haha!
                    [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
           - -


                    • #40
                      "But I always have fun so long as I'm not on pavement."
                      Amen Brotha!!!

                      Hope to see you guys out there in Calico!
                      Jeep Girl


                      • #41
                        Indeed, hope to see ya saturday I'll have my doors and windows ON
                        [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
               - -


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by daniel_buck View Post
                          Indeed, hope to see ya saturday I'll have my doors and windows ON

                          Not me!

                          We usually leave camp to hit the trails around 10am Saturday..just an FYI. Probaby start out with either Doran or Odessa. Whoo Hoo!!
                          Jeep Girl


                          • #43
                            It's to cold early morning and late evening to be blasting 80mph on the freeway with no doors and windows! California has made me lazy and to sensitive. haha!
                            [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
                   - -


                            • #44
                              You need to invest in storage bags. Easy fix.
                              Jeep Girl


                              • #45
                                Our ears were burning over on JF. LOL. Yeah there's about 10 of us camping in the camp ground. Spots C15, 16, and 17. Theres probably another 6 or 8 coming out for just the day on Sat morning like Daniel is. We'll swing by Saturday morning and do a quick M&G before hitting the trails, you guys are welcome to come visit at our camp spot also.

                                Three of us ran CB for the first time, the weekend before last. We had a blast out there, can't wait to go back. Looks like someone on a quad turned the markers and knocked a bunch down. We lost the trail at that Uturn spot, then we ended up in a canyon blocked by massive boulders. From then on, I think we were zig zagging between Cake Walk and Bull Frog until we followed a couple of really nice white jeeps back out to the trailhead. We would've put the markers back up but beings it was our first time out there we didn't know which way to point the arrows.

