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Jan 13th Weeknd- Friday- MLK Day

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  • Trail Run: Jan 13th Weeknd- Friday- MLK Day

    ******UPDATED******JAN 8TH

    It looks like a Calico weekend for us. I've got a few other rigs with me and passengers.

    I'll be getting there by 9am Friday morning; Bernie about the same time; give or take. And the others, towards the evening. We'll be hitting some "off the beaten path" trails with a local Calico friend probably around 1030-1100.

    Doran and Odessa are for sure trails we'll do as well..maybe Wall Street Canyon and Kramers Arch as well...

    For anyone that would like to run with us, we'll be camping on Doran Scenic Rd, past the arches on the left, right before you go around the bend to the Gatekeeper. I'll bring my Yellow Happy Face flag to help anyone see me. I'm a white TJ, American Flag flying driver, MY JEEP ROCKS windshield banner. Can't miss me!..Oh and the girl with the biggest freakin smile on her face!

    Channel 21 CB.

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    Hi everybody!

    Normally when I post, I know exactly where and when I’m going. This time, I’m looking to see if anyone is off on Friday the 13th through the weekend? We just did Calico, and although I'm not opposed to going back, was wondering if anyone wanted to go somewhere else that wasn't more than a 3 hour drive for those of us coming from the beach in Ventura. We're wanting to keep it on the rocks, as opposed to any mud, snow or sand. Our rigs are lifted and locked, 33-35’s..and daily drivers, so nothing to mess up our junk.

    Anybody want to wheel? Take the lead on this one?

    Last edited by I H8RDS; 01-08-12, 02:35 PM.
    Jeep Girl

  • #2
    Wheeling with you on Friday the 13th??? I'd have to really think about that...

    Cougar Buttes was a blast last weekend. You may wat to consider it
    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
    MJR moderator
    MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
    Jeep Patrol Leader
    Reforestation Supervisor
    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
    Eagle Scout


    • #3
      I'm have a small group (me for sure and 4 maybe's) going to Cougar Buttes that weekend. Will arrive mid morning on Sat and go home late Sunday or mid day Monday. Would welcome a larger group.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Roger View Post
        Wheeling with you on Friday the 13th??? I'd have to really think about that...

        Cougar Buttes was a blast last weekend. You may wat to consider it
        LOL Roger! It is kind of scary huh..Friday the 13th...

        We are cool with CB, But..we've never we need a leader Roger and thanks for the invite CVD..I'm off on Friday, be a waste not be wheeling. We're going to have to leave first thing Monday too.. (make that sunday; one or more of of my buddies have to work Monday...It's so far to drive for 1 day.
        Last edited by I H8RDS; 01-05-12, 02:37 PM.
        Jeep Girl


        • #5
          I'm not a leader at Cougar Buttes! I'm not even a good follower through those trails! I might show up for a vist if I know where you all will be camping.
          SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
          MJR moderator
          MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
          Jeep Patrol Leader
          Reforestation Supervisor
          Licensed Ham - n6ujm
          Eagle Scout


          • #6
            Originally posted by Roger View Post
            I'm not a leader at Cougar Buttes! I'm not even a good follower through those trails! I might show up for a vist if I know where you all will be camping.
            LOL..and that's the thing..we have no idea of where we're going or the trails......Hmm..well..we're not going to roll out that way if we don't have someone that knows their way and who can go wheelin Friday morning/early afternoon, and Saturday..If there's no takers on that, you guys can hijack my thread I just thought it'd be fun if it worked out. If not, there's always other places to wheel and camp; and places we know and love
            Jeep Girl


            • #7
              some of us from the jeep forum are going to Calico, I think the first run will be a night run on friday, and then we'll be running all day saturday and maybe some on sunday. I'm just there saturday though.
              [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
     - -


              • #8
                Hey Daniel..that's good to know if we end up back out at Calico. We also made a local Calico friend who knows all kinds of other trails around the area that's full of history and cool stuff to see; stuff most of us don't see when we wheel the Calico area....Looks like the location of where we're campin and wheelin is up in the air right now...which is fine. We have time
                Jeep Girl


                • #9
                  I could lead you guys on the trails Saturday morning. But don't know if I could make it Friday till next week.
                  But if you guys go to the bullfrog trail head you can find your way around.
                  Last edited by curtis; 01-05-12, 06:16 PM.

                  Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by curtis View Post
                    I could lead you guys on the trails Saturday morning. But don't know if I could make it Friday till next week.
                    Curtis- I am talking about next week; not tomorrow. Friday the 13th!
                    Jeep Girl


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by I H8RDS View Post
                      Curtis- I am talking about next week; not tomorrow. Friday the 13th!
                      I got that.

                      Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


                      • #12
                        O- well Ok. You meant the week after. I didn't get that. I was gettin' all excited there for a minute! hehe It's all good. What's to be will be.
                        Jeep Girl


                        • #13
                          You really can't get lost at Cougar Buttes (you just take a different path in the same general rock pile). Here are tracks Mike posted a while back:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by CVD View Post
                            You really can't get lost at Cougar Buttes (you just take a different path in the same general rock pile). Here are tracks Mike posted a while back:
                            Thanks for that Cliff- I'm not worried about getting lost so much out's not child's play. I've seen a lot of bad things happen out there with experienced wheelers. The wheeling is technical. I've got some new wheelers with me. Because I've never been there and they are new wheelers, I just feel it'd be safer for all involved (and rigs) to have someone else lead the way. Better safe than sorry. If it was a trail like Holcomb or something less technical, I'd go..but it's beyond that out there. If I choose the wrong line, it could get ugly. No need to chance it since it's my first time out there. After I have a chance to see where we're going and what lines etc, then it's on! No Fear!

                            If it doesn't happen this time for us, no biggie. The trails aren't going anywhere..
                            Last edited by I H8RDS; 01-06-12, 05:49 AM.
                            Jeep Girl


                            • #15

                              Since you have a four day weekend, the Mojave Road Run would be perfect for you


                              You could head out to Lauglin on Friday (a good place to stay is at the Avi Resort & Casino), finish in Afton Canyon on Sunday and drive home on Monday. A stock Jeep can make the run. Bring extra gas and warm clothes. I wish I could join you, but I will be out of town on business.
                              If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!

