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Trail Run:
Az Wheeling... When's MJR going to come enjoy it?
Just a thought... I'm hoping to play host to some MJR folks in the next year. Anyone up for a trip to Az to have some fun? I'll try to post up some photos of some trails out here in a bit, right after I run into a meeting real quick.
If your fiance has any friends that are 1/2 as pretty as she is and they like to go wheeling I am sure all of CA would be on their way to go wheeling in AZ in a heartbeat!
I will gladly come once i get my next round of mods complete. Take a week and hit a few towns while all the way out there. Did you get new tires yet??? Teat down my old D35 yet?
I'd love to someday, but for the near future I'm avoiding any long trips to save wear on my tires for the Rubicon Trail that I'm planning to hit next summer. Looking forward to seeing the pics though.
I'd love to someday, but for the near future I'm avoiding any long trips to save wear on my tires for the Rubicon Trail that I'm planning to hit next summer. Looking forward to seeing the pics though.
If I can figure out a way I'll be hitting Rubicon as well next summer. Just need a lottery ticket so the honeymoon and wedding are taken care of
Brett, I haven't done anything with that axle yet. I've been slacking. I just need to hurry up and get my front gears and locker so that I'm ready to go. Far as the misses, if I could find the location of pretty girls that like to Jeep, I'd be selling maps like those found in Hollywood
lol.. I would be first in line! I wet sanded the rock rash on my tube fenders yesterday on my YJ. Sprayed them with Rustoleum. The color seems to match almost perfectly I will be pulling them off later in Dec. Let me know if you are interested in them. I just walked outside and mocked up my new alumi fenders from Genright this morning that i painted yesterday.... something tells me they aren't quite meant to fit together... lol. Check out the pics i post in my "help w the 8.8" thread.
I'll take a look right now, and I'll for sure be interested in them but I'm not sure of what my finances (read fiance') will allow me to spend on the rig in the near future.
I'm definitely interested in doing some AZ wheeling! I've got several sites on my radar as well as a return trip to the Florence Junction area. Sergio (50yj) is working in Phoenix, so I'm sure that we can drag him out to play too. Chandler is a great spot to get to most everything in the state except maybe the trails around Laughlin.
I have finally stopped drinking for good.
Now I drink for evil..... :devil:[/COLOR]
Ya those would be a bit of a drive. I'm happy to host a few folks at my house as well if anyone comes out. I'm thinking early spring would be a good time, I'll be itching for a wheeling trip.
I was trying to remember who was out in AZ two weeks ago when I was in Mesa/ Gilbert. I ended up having a cancellation on Saturday and could have wheeled.
Some interesting areas in AZ that may be somewhat convenient for socal folks might be around Quartzsite. There's the Sand Bowl OHV Area along with a few other trails in the area. Further south, along Highway 95 is the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge. Nothing difficult, but some nice scenic trails.
Of course, I'll know for sure when I head out there later this month.
So how long does it take for you to get to parker from where you live?
Parker is about 4 hours from me (maybe 5 in the Jeep). If a Parker trip is in line at some point, I can talk to one of the in-laws that has nice campground set up on his property and perhaps we could all utilize it. MJR family with my new family