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11/04 Perfect Day to Wander in the Desert!


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  • Trail Report: 11/04 Perfect Day to Wander in the Desert!

    It was cold, cloudy, raining, and windy today in the Mojave Desert. Perfect Jeepin' weather!

    So Mitch and I headed out Hwy 247 to Boones Rd. to Means Lake. Our goal was to go straight north to Galway Lake. There is supposed to be an escarpment from the 1992 Landers earthquake running through it that is 5 to 7 feet tall. We checked out the entire lake and could not find it.

    From there we checked out an old mine site west of the lake.

    Next we headed due west to on a section of Race Course A. This took us to the power line road that runs to Cougar Buttes. Just a few hundered feet north of the intersection is a transmission tower site that was damaged in the 1992 earthquake. The earthquke fault ran right through the middile of the tower changing it from a square base to a trapazoid.

    I saw it in 1992, but time has taken it's toll on the site and you can no longer see the cracks in the ground running under the tower and only two tower foundations remain, so it's not possible to see the damage. SCE built two wooden towers on each side of the site and never rebuilt a steel tower there. I'm sure the reason was they didn't want to build it back on the fault line. The wooden towers are more flexable in an earthquake.

    We headed west on the power line road to Cougar Buttes. I wanted to see if I could select a campsite for next weekend. I found a nice spot and I'll post the Lat/long in the Cougar Buttes and Veteran's day run threads.

    All in all it was a great day hanging with Mitch. We made many stops for Mitch to capture some great shots of today's trip. Stand by for him to post them!

    Thanks Mitch! I had a great day!
    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
    MJR moderator
    MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
    Jeep Patrol Leader
    Reforestation Supervisor
    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
    Eagle Scout

  • #2
    Thanks again Roger for a great day cruising around the desert. Another 6 hour putt without seeing another soul. I had some wrong info on the earthquake escarpment we were looking for, but that means another trip out there is needed All told it was a great day with the neat weather Roger has described. A very relaxing and peaceful day just wandering around. PM Roger if you want to cruise around the desert with us.


    Air down at Boone Road

    Awesome scenery and views all day

    Galway Dry Lake Lots of old practice bomb craters and metal fragments still laying around from the 40's

    My guide for the day

    We stopped at the Yucca Rings preserve

    Last edited by Mitch; 11-04-11, 08:21 PM.


    • #3
      looks like a great day in the desert


      • #4
        Sounds like a fun trip and great pictures I know how fun it is to explore new things.

        [COLOR="red"]Are you seeing planes? Is your name Tattoo? Because I swear to God, you're living on Fantasy Island[/COLOR]


        • #5
          the desert can be so beautiful! very nice
          [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
 - -


          • #6
            Mitch, Great shots. I don't know you anymore.
            Check out .

