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Yellow Jacket


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  • Trail Run: Yellow Jacket

    Here are some pictures from yesterdays run on the Yellow Jack section of the run. Thank you to Lorie (I H8RDS) for setting this run up. And thank you again Mike (Deepwater) for the passenger seat. Way to many names to list with all of the pictures. This section could be done by any 4x4 Jeep, but you will scratch your paint, a lot!

    This is what hangs over and across the trail. A major paint scraper!

  • #2
    Great pictures, I had a great time.
    You can lead a horse to water, but it might drown


    • #3
      I love this trail. I'm there about every two months or so. Yellow jacket is a favorite because it makes you feel like your in the amazon. Lockwood and Miller are favorites. Love the scenery. You can see quail, deer and love the camp spot right before Miller starts. Thanks for sharing

      I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


      • #4
        good times, I enjoyed it! Here's a few more photos, I've got some more I'll probably post later, I was to busy driving to take many photos, haha!

        [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab - -


        • #5
          Shant, we did see a bunch of quail, a few doves, and a nice deer. Very fun.


          • #6
            Is this trail really bad on paint? I like to wheel my Jeep but I don't just beat on it. I take a few scratches here and there but no pinstripes. Just thought I would ask.
            2004 TJ X
            Callsign: KJ6DHG


            • #7
              You might get a few scrapes from branches on the yellowjacket trail, it was fairly overgrown. I don't you would get scratches that went lower than the clearcoat. There was alot of branches, but they were pretty much all small-ish and flexable branches, no real heavy thick hard branches. Those of us without doors were able to block the branches from hitting our faces with our arms, and I don't see any cuts on my arms No way you are getting through there without hitting at least small branches though. Felt like I was wheeling in Louisiana.

              We had a few shiny JK jeeps that went through there, I didn't look closely at them after yellowjacket, maybe someone else got a look at them after the trail? Mine is usually so dirty that I never notice the scratches. I never give it a real wash, I just spray it off every now and then with a garden hose.

              You would be just fine on the 2nd trail we ran however, was that Miller? It was dry hard packed dirt and a few rocks.
              Last edited by daniel_buck; 09-18-11, 09:39 PM.
              [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
     - -


              • #8
                Mitch, That's them right there alright. Can't wait for this coming season yum yum in my tum tum.

                I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


                • #9
                  Cool pics guys! Next time we should the top of Fraizer which I call Sky's remote and gorgeous! Let me know if there's any interest. If we do that, we can also hit trails 111, 112, 113, 118, and 119.
                  Jeep Girl


                  • #10
                    What a great day. Thanks to everyone that was there. Here are Tim's photos:


                    • #11
                      Oh my gosh-SO much fun! Thanks for sharing!
                      Jeep Girl

