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High Sierra's Mine - Log Cabin Mine


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  • Trail Report: High Sierra's Mine - Log Cabin Mine

    The second mine we went to was the Log Cabin Mine. There is a moderate road up to the mine - high clearance 4x4 recommended.

    This mine looks like it was first mined in the late 1800's and worked up to somewhere around the 1990's. We found a 1990 news paper, plus the oil and other items date to around the 1970's or so. Very nice mine with lots of structures.

    On a worse note, there has been considerable damage done to the mine structures by vandals.

    The original Log Cabin

    Last edited by mkjeepers; 09-03-11, 04:27 PM.

  • #2
    Mike, very nice photos. Its fun when you find an old mine that still has things to look at. Even better when you can drive your new "car" to it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by great88 View Post
      Mike, very nice photos. Its fun when you find an old mine that still has things to look at. Even better when you can drive your new "car" to it.
      My new "car" works better on road than off, that's for sure


      • #4
        On a worse note, there has been considerable damage done to the mine structures by vandals.
        Still can't see why people would go all the way out there just to vandalize something. You go out to the Sierras to get away from the city, not bring it with you! Some people have no upbringing. I would not waste my gas to drive up there just to tear up a cabin.
        2004 TJ X
        Callsign: KJ6DHG


        • #5
          We were just up that way, wish we would of known that is there. Like exploring to new places.


          • #6
            how are the tunnels here? does it look like a big complex? Ive seen pictures of this place but heard nothing of the underground
            KB1UTG (keep being one ultimate tough guy)


            • #7
              Originally posted by troyboy162 View Post
              how are the tunnels here? does it look like a big complex? Ive seen pictures of this place but heard nothing of the underground
              The only tunnel we saw was under the tower boom. it goes straight down and has caved in all around the opening. It didn't look accessable at all. It looked like they brought the ore up from the boom, then trucked it to the upper level, then it was conveyed through all of the various stations in the mill.

              I would guess the mill has been shut down for about 20 years or so.
              Last edited by mkjeepers; 09-07-11, 03:57 PM.


              • #8
                Hard to tell by the photos, but some of the damage looks like wind, snow, and time. Seems that when man walks away from a site, nature starts to take it back.
                SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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                Licensed Ham - n6ujm
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                • #9
                  Originally posted by Roger View Post
                  Hard to tell by the photos, but some of the damage looks like wind, snow, and time. Seems that when man walks away from a site, nature starts to take it back.
                  Some of the damage is from age and weather, but there was a chain link fence that was torn down and most of the damage was in that area...could have been from age though.


                  • #10
                    Man that is nice. I can't beleive the TV antennae are still up there. Wonder what stations they used to get. Gotta put this on the list.
                    [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                    [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rat patrol View Post
                      Man that is nice. I can't beleive the TV antennae are still up there. Wonder what stations they used to get. Gotta put this on the list.
                      Good question.....
                      97 TJ Buffed Out

                      LETS ROCK!
                      WEB site


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Britain View Post
                        Good question.....
                        The mine sits at over 9000ft on an alpine area. Probably a New York station LOL.


                        • #13
                          See this is cool stuff right here this is why I bought a Jeep to take the family to cool stuff like this. Stuff you don’t get to feel and smell while sitting on the couch playing your Xbox, PS3, iPod Touch and whatever else these kids have these days…

                          Coordinates anyone? Or is it easy enough to find.
                          [COLOR="red"]Are you seeing planes? Is your name Tattoo? Because I swear to God, you're living on Fantasy Island[/COLOR]


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JK08 View Post
                            See this is cool stuff right here this is why I bought a Jeep to take the family to cool stuff like this. Stuff you don’t get to feel and smell while sitting on the couch playing your Xbox, PS3, iPod Touch and whatever else these kids have these days…

                            Coordinates anyone? Or is it easy enough to find.
                            From a recent post

