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Mitch's going away party


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  • Organized Event: Mitch's going away party

    Max and Mitch want to thank you for the trail fun, and it was good seeing you all.
    The future part of the trail will be a hoot the little we ran was pretty darn cool
    Mitch and Tammy I hope you have many years of good times and fun together
    Max it's always good seeing you.
    Mike I hope Mr Green rides again, looking that deep in the hairy crack might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but it didn't quite work out as planned.
    Mr Green came through it pretty well and you and Sharon seemed to come out of it without a scratch, I hope you enjoyed the rest of the party afterwards, you number 2 flopper.
    We were beat by the time we left I think we beat a record loading up, must have taken less than 5 minutes to load up and hit the road

  • #2
    i had great time seeing everyone and running the crack.goodluck mitch n tammy.thankyou to max and his family for being the great people that you are


    • #3
      A Flop At the Crack Party!

      Thank you to all that showed up for the little run on the Hairy Crack and the great BBQ and fellowship after. Tammy and I both had a great time. Tammy rode shotgun with Curtis, who did an awesome nosedown three wheel tetter/totter and actually made Tammy get out of the Jeep (She didn't want to). I rode shotgun with Maxwell. 10 Jeeps and 20+ friends enjoying the perfect 80' weather. I left my camera at Maxwell's house, so pictures will be this afternoon.

      And risking being tacky, I sold all 36 trail and guide books that I brought with me. Thank you to all that bought the books. I hope that the books inspire more exploring and adventure. Keep the Great88 tradition alive!

      Mitch & Tammy

      Staging at Maxwell's house

      Heading up the Crack

      Chuck had the bad ass flex of the day picture!

      Chuck really wanted a picture of him using the strap on Art's buggy!

      Mike and Sharon video

      Curtis with Tammy video

      Then Mr Green wanted to lay over!!!!!! Nobody hurt or scratched

      Then Curtis did the 3 wheel dance with Tammy just to show her the feeling. Curtis actually had to tell Tammy to get out.

      Tammy wanted to stay in the Jeep. She said that the worst that could happen is the Jeep would roll over. Shes an adventure seeker! Not afraid at all.

      Parking at the house. BBQ time!

      Last edited by Mitch; 07-18-11, 11:05 AM.


      • #4
        Had a great time yesterday and tammy has no fear. Sorry I had to leave early but my sinuses were acting up and us old guys need to be in bed early. So thanks to all for a great day!!!

        Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


        • #5
          Rae and I had a blast hanging out with everyone yesterday in spite of missing the run and breaking down a few hundred feet off the road. LOL Wanna say thanks to Max and Nicole for offering up their home and Mike for keeping us up to date on what was going on and what we should bring. Thank you Mitch for bringing all your books and passing on all that great information. As always it was good seeing old faces and meeting new ones. Best of luck to you Mitch and Tammy in all that you do together.


          • #6
            Alycia and I had a great time. Thank you Max and Nicole for the hospitality. Did some much needed work to the Jeep Sunday so no time for pics. I’ll try to get them up tonight.
            Check out .


            • #7
              It was so good to see everyone.

              Mirch, all the best to to you and Tammy! You have no idea how much you will be missed.
              SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
              MJR moderator
              MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
              Jeep Patrol Leader
              Reforestation Supervisor
              Licensed Ham - n6ujm
              Eagle Scout


              • #8
                More Pics!

                Some of our pics are similar to Mitch's, but here's the trail through our view:

                Parking was tight at Max's place:

                Chuck trying an extra credit line:

                Alysia took the wheel for a short way:

                Fred and Art showed up late, but had little trouble catching up:

                Max, our incredibly gracious Host!:

                So after Fred, Art, Chuck, and Max explored the upper part of the trail, we had lunch and headed back down. Somehow I ended up in the lead. I tried to follow the same line that I took up one of the falls, but I was a tire width too far to the right. The flop happened quickly. We weren't hurt and the seat belts did their job spectacularly. Sharon nor I ever left our seat, I didn't touch the rocks when we hit.

                So what do you do when you flop and are locked in by the seat beats? Well, I took the time to waypoint the spot and Sharon took photos! We had some of the most knowedgeable and experienced drivers around us, so we were back upright in a jiffy. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

                So here's Sharon's view of me:

                Here's her view of Chuck standing on Mr. Green's side:

                Once uprighted and pulled back up the obstacle, we had to clear the oil that dyno-locked the cylinders:

                Unfortunately, everyone had to endure my seriously smoking Jeep down the rest of the trail:

                Back at the Britton Estate, Lyla Wren was the highlight of the greeting party:

                The cookout was great. The side dishes that everyone brought were fantastic.

                Even with the bruises that I inflicted on Mr. Green, it was an awesome day and a great day to share with Mitch before he leaves for Georgia!:

                I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


                • #9
                  Sharin' a great time with great friends on the crack.

                  Thanks to everyone that came out to Mitch's last Hoo Ha! What an exceptional time!
                  "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                  • #10
                    Thanks again Max for hosting us there and for all your hustle on the trail. You were picking up and tossing boulders that I wouldn't even try to roll.
                    Adding a few festivities back at the ranch. Its a beautiful place to live.

                    Mitch, we'll miss ya man!

                    Nice and cool under the trees.

                    Out front watching a large covey of quail in the driveway

                    "They look Friendly" G. Custer


                    • #11
                      That looks like jalapeno cheese on that plug.:devil:
                      Check out .


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dirtman13 View Post
                        That looks like jalapeno cheese on that plug.:devil:

                        I'll bring the chips!
                        [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                        [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                        • #13
                          Thanks to Max for hosting this get together!

                          Mike, Glad you and Sharon came out of your flop smiling!

                          Art and Fred.... thanks for letting Lesa and I ride along with you guys, we had a blast!

                          ...and thanks to everyone for a great time!

                          Mitch, If can be so bold as to speak for everyone on here, ...............You and Tammy will be truly missed by all of us!

                          "I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:


                          • #14
                            Scott I am glad that you and Lesa liked your ride a long, you know that stuff is addictive right?
                            Here is some pretty darn nice video that Mike shot

                            Last edited by aw12345; 07-22-11, 03:00 PM.


                            • #15
                              Checking out the video, we should have continued on. Looks like the trail stayed nice and easy What an awesome day!

