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High Desert Roundup 2011


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  • Organized Event: High Desert Roundup 2011

    Despite the wind and cold temperatures we had a great time at HDR. I met Randy & Carmen Thursday afternoon in Lucerne Valley and we went to Anderson Dry Lake to pick a campsite. I went home for the night and came back in the morning with my trailer & Jeep.
    Jason, Russ, and Dave (from San Diego) joined us. Zoobie, camped nearby with other friends but visited us a few times. It was good to get to know him and Dave also.

    Photos to follow.
    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
    MJR moderator
    MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
    Jeep Patrol Leader
    Reforestation Supervisor
    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
    Eagle Scout

  • #2
    Also, George from TDS was there also. We saw Chriistian - Head hunter for just a few minutes and we never saw him again! I think he said he was going to Big Bear.

    We saw lots of those creatures with the hard shell (not mentioning their name) Seven all total.

    This a map of the trail Russ & I led on Saturday. we had about 13 vehicles total. All were Jeeps except one full size Bronco:

    On Sunday, Russ, Randy & Carmen, Jason, and I headed off to check out the Rodman Petraglyphs, Ord Mtn Mine, and Hercules Finger. Along the way we met a couple from Fremont out by themselves exploring so Russ invited them to join us. They were very nice folks.

    Ran into a couple of antelope at the Petraglyphs:

    Here's Jason at the entrance to the Upper Ord Mtn mine:

    Just for fun: here's my favorite desert flower. It was growing at the Ord Mtn. Mine:
    Last edited by Roger; 05-30-11, 06:54 PM.
    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
    MJR moderator
    MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
    Jeep Patrol Leader
    Reforestation Supervisor
    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
    Eagle Scout


    • #3
      I had fun as well but so windy and my RV got a big dent in the door from a rock or wood flying into it at night Saturday. I ran Bobcat and Sandstone and we had a good time but we had a few breakdowns on the trail.


      • #4
        Despite the wind, it was a good time, too bad I didn't find everyone till later. Still it was great seeing everyone and meeting new people. I ran Motino on Saturday and Bullfrog/Cake walk Sunday. The Saturday run had several breakdowns and we lost 8 of 20 vehicles at the first set of obstacles. Sunday we had a few people with open diff's and they dropped out early on but no break downs. The raffle, Sunday evening was colder than I ever remember (winning something would have made it better). Broke camp Monday and headed home around noon.
        I'm glad it was moved to J/V. Last year marked 20 years of HDR for me. It was so time for a change in location.
        Come to the dark side.....
        We have Cookies!


        • #5
          Did anyone find the yellow MyJeepRocks banner? It blew away on Saturday. We searched a couple of miles down wind but didn't find it.
          If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


          • #6
            I as usual, I had a blast. A big thank you goes out to Roger, Randy, Carmen, Russ, & Dave for the great company at camp. Zoobie, we would have enjoyed your company as well. Maybe next year you’ll find us.
            Someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that it was the end of May. Friday and Saturday temps were not bad with some gusts but tolerable. Sunday morning the wind was brutal and the temps reminded me of early spring. It was the first time I had ever taken a blanket to the raffle.
            This was a great group to hang out with. They even got me to go into the mines. I don't do mines. There is something about being in a hole in the ground in Earthquake country that keeps me out. Plus I’m not a big fan of those rats with wings. Roger was funny, "Jason, can I have your Jeep?" Joke was on him, I took my keys with me into the mine.

            This was my 10th year at HDR and I very much enjoyed the change in the scenery.


            • #7
              I got a call from Utah. They have your banner!

              Good seeing the MJR folks there, thanks for the support.

              Helen Baker


              • #8
                Another Cal 4 Wheel event under our belts...

                This year's event didn't seem to come off as well as year's past. Things just didn't seem to be well communicated... There wasn't as many runs as in year's past, the raffle was good, no Saturday night barbeque, and the games were very poorly advertised. Thanks to Roger, Jason, Trent, Chris, Brent, Dave, Russ, Rick, Jody, and Scott the overall weekend was lots of fun! Good friends and great company always make for a great weekend!

                Carmen and I left out on Thursday afternoon for the Hi Desert Roundup... We met up with Roger and headed out to pick our campsite. We camped near the folks from Victor Valley 4 Wheelers...

                The winds and cold were pretty unreal! We spent Thursday evening watching movies in the RV.

                Friday morning we pre-ran the stocker run with Roger, Trent and Russ.

                Saturday morning we made our way over to Bullfrog. We waited a few hours after the organized run to head over... We met up with John and Roxy in their Jeep and "Soup" and his wife before heading out and invited them to join us. We thought it was strange that we didn't run into the group... We got about half way through the trail and ran into the group of 30 plus rigs running Bullfrog backwards. We decided to shoot over to Cakewalk for a bit then cruise around and play at the Jeep Eater...

                John and Roxy...

                Trent and the guys...

                Rick and Jody

                Me and Carmen

                The raffle was good for us... We won a couple of prize bags... A special thanks to Harry and Helen Baker for donating the Mojave books!

                Sunday, Jason, Roger, Russ, Carmen and I ran out to see the petroglyphs... on the way we passed this little guy. Any of the snake experts on the site care to help us identify this guy?

                We also came across this little fellow...

                After the petroglyphs we headed over to the Ord Mines for a peak... and yes, we talked Jason into actually going into the mines!

                We later made our way over to "Hercules Finger"... I question the naming of this "monument"... Hercules had more than 3 fingers :doh

                Monday morning, we packed up early and hit the road trying to beat the Vegas and holiday traffic down the hill...

                "An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass" George Washington



                • #9

                  Other the wind and cold it looks like you all had fun. The mine with the ladder is the "Ord Belt Mine" on East Ord Mountain. Several other smaller mines in that immediate area that require a short hike. Fun fun fun.


                  Maybe "Piuophis Cateniter Cateniter" or aka Pacific Gopher Snake?

                  Last edited by Mitch; 05-31-11, 09:09 PM.


                  • #10
                    Gopher Snake, Pretty harmless


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by great88 View Post

                      Other the wind and cold it looks like you all had fun. The mine with the ladder is the "Ord Belt Mine" on East Ord Mountain. Several other smaller mines in that immediate area that require a short hike. Fun fun fun.


                      Maybe "Piuophis Cateniter Cateniter" or aka Pacific Gopher Snake?

                      Yeah, I would have to agree with Mitch. Was it small? Because is looks like a juvenile version to me, or one that just shedded its skin. Check this site:

                      I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                      Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


                      • #12

                        I was checking out Gary's snake pictures last night. My reference site for snake info. I've also been looking at the new fun stuff I will soon encounter; Water Moccasin, Copperhead, Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, Canebrake/Timber Rattlesnake, Coral snake, Alligator........oh it will be fun :0
                        Last edited by Mitch; 06-01-11, 10:57 AM.


                        • #13
                          Pretty common Gopher snake for this area, see them often.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            A special thanks to Harry and Helen Baker for donating the Mojave books!
                            You're welcome, it looks like they went to a good home!



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by great88 View Post

                              I was checking out Gary's snake pictures last night. My reference site for snake info. I've also been looking at the new fun stuff I will soon encounter; Water Moccasin, Copperhead, Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, Canebrake/Timber Rattlesnake, Coral snake, Alligator........oh it will be fun :0
                              Be careful around Water Moccasins. They are crazy fast movers. The Eastern Diamondback isn't as nasty a venom as a Mojave Green, but it is close! Copperheads are beautiful. Just remember, they don't rattle before they strike. Yeah, you will have fun!

                              I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                              Now I drink for evil..... :devil:

