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Arrowhead to Silverwood


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  • Trail Report: Arrowhead to Silverwood

    [COLOR="blue"]We had a great run today from Lake Arrowhead over to Lake Silverwood. There wasn't nearly the amount of snow the reports were stating, but the trails were very scenic and posed a moderate challenge.

    The mud was definately deeper than the snow in some places. Overall it was a fun run, the day was clear and sunny. I'm still not giving up on Dishpan though LOL.

    We did all of the black diamond trails in the Arrowhead district. These aren't extreme by any means, but in the snow and mud they make a nice run.

    From there we went to Pilot Rock and took 2N17X down to LS.

    Thanks to those who ran the trail, a great group and hope to do it again soon. This would be a good run to go from Silverwood to Green Valley Lake some time. Hummm..[/COLOR]

    Link to slideshow

    [COLOR="blue"]A few pix below.[/COLOR]

    [COLOR="blue"]This first climb had a surface resembling all purpose grease.[/COLOR]

    Willow Creek was at 3' deep today.

    2N17X down to Lake Silverwood.

  • #2

    Awesome color in your photo's. Looks like a fun trip. Glad I didn't go on 2N17X, especially downhill! Nice day in the Arrowhead area.



    • #3
      Thanks for leading this Mike. It was a nice day out on the trails with some good folks. I was hoping for more snow, but instead we got more mud. That mud was pretty slick and made a couple of those hills pretty hard to get to the top. There was also some sliding going on and I saw a few rear ends that were trying to get around the front. But it was noting major and everyone made it safely with a smile on their face.

      Randy coming down one of the North Facing slopes that still had a decent amount of snow on it.


      Mudpit in the middle of the trail.

      Stream crossing

      Cherokee and FJ

      Running in the 3rd position I didn't get many photos and we moved pretty quickly through most things. Thanks again Mike.


      • #4
        Originally posted by great88 View Post

        Awesome color in your photo's. Looks like a fun trip. Glad I didn't go on 2N17X, especially downhill! Nice day in the Arrowhead area.

        The camera is my new Fuji. On bright days it takes pretty good photos.
        2N17X definatly had some highlights especially when muddy.
        I agree with Reed, there wasn't nearly enough snow and way too much mud. But it was alot of fun sliding around. Love those MTR's though.

