The storms in December had left 1N09 unpassable in 3 different areas. SBNF Fire ran their dozer and SCE ran their dozer on the trail in the last 2 weeks and we were asked to run the trail and assess the condition. I am happy to report that 1N09 is passable along the entire length. There is still some work to be done and one nasty head cut near Keller Cliffs will test your driving skills. The western end at 330 is locked and will be for some time, but the trail is open and accessible from both Seven Oaks and 1N16 Alder Creek. The amount of water flowing in both Bear Creek and the Santa Ana River is as spectacular

This waterfall is visible from Hwy 38 above Loch Leven/Mountain Home

Another fabulous day in the SBNF.

This waterfall is visible from Hwy 38 above Loch Leven/Mountain Home

Another fabulous day in the SBNF.