So I get a text message form Mitch (great88) about playing in the mud & water on the Johnson Rd Trail. Heck yeah! I'm up for mid week runs. So yesterday we met at the Valero Station in Lucerne Valley and headed North on Hwy 247 towards Barstow. We checked out several side trails. It's interesting because there are virtually no mines in this area. Not until the very western edge of the Granite Mtns.
Recently, Mitch has been hearing a 'funny' noise from the rear of his Jeep. Well, it turns out that the weld on his left rear shock mount was cracking and yesterday, it gave out completely. So we removed the shock completely and continued on with our run.
Here's a few photos:
Mitch removing the shock:

Here's a guzzler we came across. These were built and maintained by Quail Unlimited, a hunting club in cooperation with the BLM & US Fish & Wildlife Service. Please respect them and don't camp too close to one. These guys are our desert brothers and they have the same issues and more that we have.

One final note, we didn't see anyone all day. Can't beat mid-week runs!
Hey Mitch thanks for the call! Let's do it agian!
Recently, Mitch has been hearing a 'funny' noise from the rear of his Jeep. Well, it turns out that the weld on his left rear shock mount was cracking and yesterday, it gave out completely. So we removed the shock completely and continued on with our run.
Here's a few photos:
Mitch removing the shock:

Here's a guzzler we came across. These were built and maintained by Quail Unlimited, a hunting club in cooperation with the BLM & US Fish & Wildlife Service. Please respect them and don't camp too close to one. These guys are our desert brothers and they have the same issues and more that we have.

One final note, we didn't see anyone all day. Can't beat mid-week runs!
Hey Mitch thanks for the call! Let's do it agian!