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man thats ones differnet huh? we went saturday. all the hard spots are easier and all the easy spots are harder lol. still one of the funnest trails out there, but we got a Rlocker, 32" tire extended cab up it pretty easy. it used to be 33" F/Rlocker or 35" and Rlocker
Then Scott, Scottymoto, letting his girls drive his rig
Then Butch with his wife Julie
Then Butch friend in his bad ass Jeep coming from The Hammers
It was a beautiful day in the canyon, with nice temps and blue skys
Justine in his stock TJ with 31 and 2 inch body lift
and his beautiful wife Cori
We got about 3/4 of the way thru the trail when we broke for lunch. Aside the usual joking around, the talk was about how easy the trail had become. That must have been when we lost are MOJO. Hadn't gone 20 feet up the trail when;
Yup, that me, trying a different line, OOPS
Billy got to use his new bumper and had to tow me off, damn where did that picture go? oh well here a pictur of Billy XJ
Butch had some troubles of his own
His friend richard
Yota killer showing us how its done
Billy playing on the rocks
Did he make it?
Little poser shot for Mitch
My Grand daughters driving the trail with Scott's guidenace
It was funny, on our way out Yota Killer was sitting at the wrong location as we drove by. Not ever having met Justin and Cori, and with a handle of Yota Killer, ( Toyota Killer? ) I was looking for a monster Jeep. Justin is a Marine based at 29 Palms, serving his Country. This was his and his wife first time out in their Jeep. We helped them disconnect the sway bar, and air down. Explained that we would get them thru the trail no matter what it would take. Justin listen, and learned a lot. He did an excellent job, for his first time. At the end of the trail his lovely wife Cori was guideing him over the obstacles. These are two wonderful young persons, and it was a joy to meet them, Kevin.
You should have joined us, everyone is welcome. I love this picture, my wife was kneeling down behind this rock taking a picture, when she looked up and saw this coming at her.
Looks like an excellent trip. Love the poser shot. I'm over Alabama right now on my way back home. WiFi in First Class rocks!!!! We need to get out. Thanks for the great pictures and report
Thanks for the pics, Man even the kids were schooled.
I missed out on a good run. Motino wash looks different then the last time i seen pics it was much more challenging looking with for sure rig damage.
I'm sure it will be changed again after the rain we are getting.