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Miller Trail before 4WP event...

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  • Trail Run: Miller Trail before 4WP event...

    What's going on guys?

    I was thinking about running Miller before heading over to the 4 Wheel Parts event. Would anyone like to join me?


  • #2
    Just got my lift on so I'd love to test it out a little set up a time, where is this trail?
    Sarcasm is my body's natural response to stupid.


    • #3
      It's in Frazier Park just north of Gorman. Once we get some people together, I'll set up a time...


      • #4
        I think I'll be able to do this. Sounds like the events start at 12pm in Gorman so if you want to be there may want to allow ~4 hrs. for the trail?:dunno:

        How many little drips are in a quart?


        • #5
          Yeah, that sound great. Let's keep this thread moving along. Anyone else?


          • #6
            Not sure if I can make it at this point or not, but if I'm around on Sun, I'll be there . . . crossing my fingers that I'll have a new tire by then . . . just don't know if I'll have some family stuff to attend to at this point. What time are you guys meeting at Flying J?

            Where you at Geeb . . . gotta get you and your Jeep back out on the trail after all them repairs!
            That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


            • #7
              I will also have a group Sunday morning going in early around 8ish.
              '04 Yellow Rubicon on 40's with 1 Ton's!
              President - Rubicon4WDA


              • #8
                The only reason I'm thinking about this day, is to be able to hit the 4WP event after. I looks like it's only going to be ediot, OCTJ, and myself at this time... I'll let a couple others on the board know about the run through text.


                • #9
                  I,m not 100% but sounds like a plan!! Joe I,m right chere bro..I,m hopin to make it..
                  "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


                  • #10
                    odds are getting better . . . new tire arrived today . . . just need to get it mounted/balanced. And the family stuff I was worried about is looking up as long as things don't take a turn for the worse. So what time should I be planning to be at Flying J?
                    That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


                    • #11
                      I can't make this run. My control arm bushings are shot. My tires are shot. Steel belt poking thru the tread blocks. Everything is clunking and creaking. oh and the whole damn Jeep is wobbling. I think it's time for a little maintenance.

                      Jeff (RallyeX)


                      • #12
                        LOL..Sorry Jeff that sounds like something a bandage won,t fix!! Good Luck mending yer jeep..Geebo
                        "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Eye4Mud View Post
                          I will also have a group Sunday morning going in early around 8ish.
                          If we make it earlier, it might be better. If Eye4Mud doesn't mind, I say we get up there at 8 as well. Maybe hop in line with them. ????


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SoCalinIt View Post
                            If we make it earlier, it might be better. If Eye4Mud doesn't mind, I say we get up there at 8 as well. Maybe hop in line with them. ????
                            Hey Steve- or you can just join in?

                            I believe we met at Route 66 a short time back, right?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blax rubi View Post
                              Hey Steve- or you can just join in?

                              I believe we met at Route 66 a short time back, right?
                              I think so... Are you going? I'm planning on getting to Flying J around 8. This will put us on the trail by 8:30-8:45ish. After the trail, we can make our way over to Gorman for the 4WP gathering.

