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John Bull Run Saturday
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A little more here and there but thats about it, but there were little runoff streams EVERYWHERE!! At one point we were driving down the stream which was flooding the trail....The snow was mostly on the sides of the mountain and on the shady parts of trail maybe a foot deep.An ugly Jeep with some stuff.....
snow all over.. got through the first tough section and my friend who went with me thought he blew out his front locker so we turned around and headed out... Turned out he had cracked a rim which we found about an hour later. Still had a good day out there lots of puddles and snow every where. Did some exploring, we started to cut a trail where the rain washed out the old one.. Going back up there to finish the job in a couple of weeks with more hands to help.
Oh I broke my camera within the first 20 minutes of the run ... I slipped on a rock and sat down on it..... oops so, sorry no pics.You can lead a horse to water, but it might drown