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Top of the World / Shooting


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  • Trail Report: Top of the World / Shooting

    Today we headed out to the Ords to visit a couple of spots that we had not been to in a long time. Dave suggested the "Top of the World", The "Melted Skull", and then some shooting before hitting "Hercules Finger" which does not resemble a finger!

    Josh and Tamara, Dave and Courtney (Flatpoint), Scott and Lesa (avjeepfreek), and Dennison and I (great88) met at the Valero and headed north on Hwy 247 towards Ord Mountain for the adventure.

    First we stopped at a rock pile to play and pose near the "melted skull" rock. Good chance for a little flexing and fun.


    Josh and Tamara all twisted up!

    Scott and Lesa

    Dave and Courtney

    We Then explored a few prospects and a collaped tunnel on the west side of Ord Mountain and then proceded up a narrow shelf trail to the quarry near the top of the mountain. Incredible views and weather met us at the top.

    Dave thinking (OUCH!)

    Scott and Josh

    Scott, Tamara, and Dennison looking for Lesa the mountain goat!

    Someone is happy!

    Heading down from the top odf the world


    Josh and Tamara

    Courtney busting doubles with the 20ga!

    Mitch .45

    Hercules Finger???? I Don't think so....

    Dave and Courtney

    Boomer seems bored and ready for a nap!

    Last edited by NAILER341; 03-01-10, 09:19 AM.

  • #2
    It was a very excellent and informative trip Mitch.
    Very eye opening..
    "Hercules' Finger" was extremely interesting..
    A decomposing granite monolith thousands of years old.. definitely a sight to behold.
    Allow me to share a few pictures to let others witness the glory of this epic "finger"

    (edited out inappropriate pictures- come on guys, this is a family forum!)
    Last edited by JeepGal; 03-04-10, 12:19 AM.


    • #3
      were you guys up by the radio tower on ord? i cant find where you were on google earth by the pics and video. i havnt made it farther up then painsville myself but the veiws were nice there
      KB1UTG (keep being one ultimate tough guy)


      • #4
        Well to say the least Dave did keep us entertained! Way too damn funny. Excellent time with great friends. A very fun low key day. Can't crawl every trip.

        Troy, I'll PM some specifics for you. We were south of Painesville and actually on the westside of East Ord.

        Thanks again to Lesa for going, cause the rest of us would have stayed home, well maybe.



        • #5
          oh i see it now. i was looking at the wrong mtn. no tunnels there? that place looks neat
          KB1UTG (keep being one ultimate tough guy)


          • #6
            looks like a gay old time you guys had
            Ford Raptor 6.2l


            • #7

              Don't lump all of us into that same group! LMAO

              Troy, PM sent



              • #8
                NSFW!!!! you guys are a crack up!
                :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by great88 View Post

                  Don't lump all of us into that same group! LMAO

                  Troy, PM sent

                  too late bud.
                  Ford Raptor 6.2l


                  • #10
                    Oh Great!! Now I can't open this thread at work, the porn filter catches it.

                    "They look Friendly" G. Custer


                    • #11
                      That was a good day guys, thanks for the good time & laughs... I wonder what the highlight of the trip was for Dave?
                      Build it right the first time.


                      • #12
                        Thanks Josh,

                        It was great having you and Tamara with us. So much to explore out there.



                        • #13
                          We missed you guys. We (FishPOET and I) spent a few hours exploring west Ord mountain.


                          • #14
                            The "highlight" for me was making all of you laugh, or smile....A great time for sure, let's do it again!


                            • #15

                              Hope that you and Doug had fun. There are over a dozen mines on West Ord. Wish we would have seen you guy's.


