Banks Peninsula is immediately to the south of Christchurch and is formed from a massive and very extinct volcano. There are numerous bays and ports providing commercial and recreational opportunities.
This trip was organised by the Canterbury Jeep Club and after meeting at a country cafe for a coffee we headed off to Birdlings Flat, a beach with a salt water lake adjoining. This was my first opportunity to drive in some very deep gravel and an interesting experisince that we all negotiated without anyone getting bogged down. Form there it was a climb to the nearest ridgeline with some great views back towards the ocean. Then we met the sealed raod and headed around to another bay from which we headed up a very disused track with some interesting slippery sections and lots of overhanging foliage. Again we got through with only a few scratches from greenery. Back on the black top we headed down into the French themed township or Akaroa for a very pleasant lunch. After lunch it was back to another bay and up into a farm to try some driving on steep grassy tracks with a special course set up as well as a small gully to straddle and climb. A great compact day and great to find some good driving so close to home (start point only 1/2 hour drive).
More pictures at:
This trip was organised by the Canterbury Jeep Club and after meeting at a country cafe for a coffee we headed off to Birdlings Flat, a beach with a salt water lake adjoining. This was my first opportunity to drive in some very deep gravel and an interesting experisince that we all negotiated without anyone getting bogged down. Form there it was a climb to the nearest ridgeline with some great views back towards the ocean. Then we met the sealed raod and headed around to another bay from which we headed up a very disused track with some interesting slippery sections and lots of overhanging foliage. Again we got through with only a few scratches from greenery. Back on the black top we headed down into the French themed township or Akaroa for a very pleasant lunch. After lunch it was back to another bay and up into a farm to try some driving on steep grassy tracks with a special course set up as well as a small gully to straddle and climb. A great compact day and great to find some good driving so close to home (start point only 1/2 hour drive).
More pictures at: