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Rattlesnake Canyon to Jacoby Canyon


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  • Trail Report: Rattlesnake Canyon to Jacoby Canyon

    I met with good friends James and Cory(Owners of "Toys For Trucks" in Hesperia), Dwayne and his wife, and also Keith and his 3 boys for a Big Bear run. I had some PM invites but those all fell through and changed the trail plans for today. None of the others had been though Rattlesnake Canyon so we headed there first. We had the normal encounters with the free range cattle. Our group ranged from James highly modified 4 link Rubicon to Dwaynes modified TJ on 35's to greatt88 and Keith's stock TJ. So we ran the regular trails and through in the mix of extra credit lines.

    We checked out the old abandoned mining camp on the way to Heartbreak Ridge and the old "Spanish Smelter".

    We did a little hiking to get to the old smelter. Thanks to Doug (fishpoet) I knew the right place to search this time. This old Smelter was used to extract Mercury from Cinnabar (A heavy bright red mineral). The Mercury was then used to extract and seperate gold from the crushed ore.

    Next we went to the Rose Mine to check out the 300 foot mine tunnel there.

    Next we headed on 2N02 to Baldwin Lake and there we split up with James and gang swinging by his cabin and then to the lake. I left to the Lucky Baldwin
    Mine and to head down Jacoby Canyon. I knew that this is an easy trail downhill and looked forward to poking along by my self. At the trailhead I bumped into Quinn's mother (All J Product's in Big Bear), and Greg Hoffman's wife and daughter. They were doing a "girl's run and waiting for 1 more and then going to also run Jacoby Canyon. We visited for a bit and then I took off down hill towards home. The trail was great and I had the chance to stop and check out things and really do some exploring. And because I had the only camera, I had to do a little posing for my own camera at the one rock obsticle.

    Serious Driver!

    Jacoby Canyon

    A little "Twist and Shout"

    Some gold prospecting spots in Jacoby Canyon

    Oh, did I mention the Offroad Sandel and painted toenail competition? Well......I guess you just had to be there!!!!

    All in all it was a great 80' day in the Mountains and a fun time with new friends!
    Last edited by Mitch; 08-16-09, 07:40 PM.

  • #2
    Great report and pictures as always mitch.

    Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


    • #3
      Originally posted by curtis View Post
      Great report and pictures as always mitch.
      X2,... wish I could have joined you guys when I seen you this morning on Bear Valley rd. Glad everyone had a good time Mitch.
      "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


      • #4
        Great pics and report! A+


        • #5
          Here's a video of us crossing Arrastra Creek at 2N02

          Cool old Pontiac trunk lid half buried in a junk pile in Jacoby Canyon


          • #6
            Originally posted by great88 View Post

            Cool old Pontiac trunk lid half buried in a junk pile in Jacoby Canyon

            We saw that thing sticking out of the side of the bank back in May and dug it out. I wonder what else is buried in that bank.

            Was the old tire still there?


            • #7

              The tire is still there. The buried junk pile is interesting. My understanding is that Chinese workers dug out the southern end of Jacoby Canyon in the 1880's as a back way up to Holcomb Valley and the mining boom. So there's no telling what you could find there. I saw several places that some prospecting was done long ago.

              Sorry that you couldn't make it yesterday, sounds like we search out similar things.



              • #8
                That looks like a great run. Where is that trail located?


                "I never drive faster than I can see and besides, it's all in the reflexes." Jack Burton


                • #9

                  Which trail are you asking about? Rattlesnake Canyon runs from Hwy 247 (about 16 miles east of Lucerne) 18 miles south (uphill) to 2N02 Burns canyon Road (20 miles east of Big Bear). Jacoby Canyon is a 3 mile trailthat runs from 3N16 at Lucky Baldwin Mine to Hwy 18 at the 6000 foot marker.



                  • #10
                    Another great adventure I missed. I'll get to one of these Mitch. I'm up an running again.
                    Check out .


                    • #11
                      cool pics. Love the toe nail crew.

