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Jacoby Canyon / 3N16 Night Run

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  • Trail Report: Jacoby Canyon / 3N16 Night Run

    Hey everyone,

    After a bit of sleep'n in I got the pic's from last nights run up! Thanks to everyone that showed up last night, I hope everyone had a good time! I know that Lesa, Lindsay and I did!

    It was the second annual Jacoby Night run across the mountain top! We met at Valero at about 6 PM with Roger and Leanne, His son Steve and friend Scott, Mary (Skittles) Scott (Desert Dog), Jesse (Kodiak Spirit) Arron and his daughter and Walt. We headed up to the trail head around 6:30'ish as planned. Once at the Jacoby Canyon Trail Head we meet up with Mitch (Great88), Christian (Headhunter), Rod and his wife (SFCotton) and John & Chris (NippleTwister). 12 rigs in all which was an awesome turnout!


    Lindsey and Lesa had to go climb on the rocks! I mean, look at the big sign saying "Come Climb Me!!!"

    Arron's Daughter had to make sure that I got a picture of all the Jeep's!
    Well, at least the most important one, ......Her Dad's!!!

    We aired down and had a small drivers meeting before we headed up the trail. The weather was awesome and we timed it perfect with the setting sun! Those with "Trail Burners" got a chance to light up the night, which looked real cool! At times it looked like "the 405 in the forest" but it was cool to see!

    Sorry in advance for some of these night shots, I know my night photo skills are lacking!!

    ....and, I even got a few of Mitch's Jeep on the trail!!!

    We stopped at the first obstacle on Jacoby and watched everyone pick their lines over it! Everyone made it through without damage and a big round of applause at the end!!

    We finished Jacoby and stopped at the old mine above the Big Bear Dump. We hung out there for a few and decided to keep on moving. It was a nice, easy pace and no one seemed to be in a big hurry to get home! After a brief stop at the Cabin along 3N16 at Holcomb Valley we headed towards 3N14.

    My camera went MIA in the Jeep somewhere so, I didn't get any more pic's the rest of the night. So, If anyone has some more, PLEASE Post'em up!!

    The group stopped again at the start of Grapevine Canyon above Lucerne to say goodbye to Roger and Leanne, Steve and Mary, who all lived in Lucerne. Grapevine Canyon is a much shorter route home for them. The rest of us headed down 3N14 (Coxey Truck Trail) the Roundup Way in Apple Valley. We aired up a little after midnight on a (Some What Isolated stretch of the road) as not to PO the neighbors in the area!

    All-in-all it was a lot of fun! A hole bunch of great people and some real nice Jeeps! I thank all of you again for an AWESOME night!

    Last edited by avjeepfreek; 08-02-09, 11:48 AM.
    "I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:

  • #2
    Great pics!! Boy, I really missed out.


    • #3

      Sorry you and your family couldn't make it last night! I hope your feeling better!

      And yes, we "WILL" go run this trail anytime you want!!! It's a lot of fun!

      Give me or Mitch a call and we'll set it up!

      "I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:


      • #4
        Originally posted by avjeepfreek View Post

        Sorry you and your family couldn't make it last night! I hope your feeling better!

        And yes, we "WILL" go run this trail anytime you want!!! It's a lot of fun!

        Give me or Mitch a call and we'll set it up!

        Thanks buddy! Will do.
        Last edited by Jeep4cern; 08-02-09, 12:12 PM.


        • #5
          looks like a great time... too bad I had to miss it!


          • #6
            Scott - Thanks for putting this together.
            Shelly and I had a terrific time. All the way home Shelly kept telling me how much fun she had. And then again when she woke up! Coming from her that means a lot, trust me.

            I have to say that for my first trip with the MJR group I was really impressed. It is always tough when you are the "new guy" with a group. But with this group, the people I met were very welcoming...almost like I have known everyone for years! :thumbs_up
            After many tries with different groups, I definately have finally met a group of people I can enjoy trails with. I am looking forward to many more runs with everyone!

            Again, thanks to everyone for a very pleasant first night run experience!
            No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.


            • #7
              Originally posted by SFCCotton View Post
              Scott - Thanks for putting this together.
              Shelly and I had a terrific time. All the way home Shelly kept telling me how much fun she had. And then again when she woke up! Coming from her that means a lot, trust me.

              I have to say that for my first trip with the MJR group I was really impressed. It is always tough when you are the "new guy" with a group. But with this group, the people I met were very welcoming...almost like I have known everyone for years! :thumbs_up
              After many tries with different groups, I definately have finally met a group of people I can enjoy trails with. I am looking forward to many more runs with everyone!

              Again, thanks to everyone for a very pleasant first night run experience!
              Agree! They do make you feel welcome. Great bunch to wheel with.


              • #8

                Thank you for setting this run up again! 2nd annual. It was great to see everyone, and very nice to see some new faces in the group. Rod and Shelly, glad you both had a good time. It was especially nice to see friends John and Kris, missed you both. OK, enough of the kissy kissy.

                Christian met at my house at 3:00pm so that we could get up there and explore a couple of hours before the run. We went Hwy 18 to 3N03 to 2N02 to the Rose Mine area and checked out the mining tunnels and stuff.


                Mr Snake inside the Rose Mine / Actually dropped from the ceiling and almost landed on Christian.

                Mr Lizard guarding the Mine entrance

                After a quick explore we headed back to Hwy 18 and then a 1/2 mile south to the trailhead and met up with the group

                Jacoby Canyon

                As well as watching the sun go down on the trail we had an almost full moon in the sky all night. At Lucky Baldwin Mine we watched Jupiter come up from the east and could pick out several constellations in the clear night sky. At one point towards the end of the run we could look south and see lights at Arrowhead, we looked west and could see Hesperia and Oak Hills / Phelan, and then look north and see Apple Valley. Great Night views with a million lights.

                Scott, thanks again for the perfect night trip. And thanks to all that made it. Sorry to those that couldn't.



                • #9
                  It was a great night for taking an easy run with a great group of people.

                  It took me 3 tries to get The Limo over that obstacle, but it finally went over with a little braking to keep the diagonal wheels from spinning.

                  I was a bit of a zombie when we aired up and I got back on the road at about 1pm, but I made it home by just after 2am.

                  I really look forward to the next one I can make it to.

                  Thanks to Scott for setting this up and thanks to everyone for such a fun time!

                  "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)


                  • #10
                    Good Times

                    Not to sound redudant...
                    But thanks to Scott for setting this up (wish the wife came along, she woulda liked it. Sorry Lesa).

                    I had a great time, Since I had an open seat shoulda brought my dog. She woulda liked it too! (nice and cool!)

                    I will try to make this one every year if it continues. That trail is very enjoyable at night.

                    Met some new folks as well as some known folks. Great bunch of people! Always a good time wheelin' with
                    Scott & family & Mitch. Can't go wrong there...
                    Sorry Ron couldn't make it. This run was taylor made for him (at this point) Hope he's feelin' better.
                    All that, "Makin' a long story short" must be takin' it's toll on him! LOL!:bonk::hide::oops:

                    Hope to see all of you on the trails in the future,


                    • #11
                      Dang, if I would have known I would have stayed up there another day. I woundered why I passed so many rigs on my way down..... O-well look like you all had a good trip
                      Its no fun without family


                      • #12
                        Was last minute decision......

                        ......when we made the trip up, soooo glad we did! Great weather, great people, excellent trail choice. With Scott blazing the trail and Mitch working clean up we where in the best of hands, what a fantastic night.

                        Roger, was great to see you both, sorry we missed you at the end...

                        CFC Cotton, you can't find a better group to go wheelin with then the folks from MJR, was a pleasure to meet you both and look forward to many more runs......

                        Scott, again, excellent choice and lead....ty

                        Mitch, call later huh?

                        John & Kristi
                        John & Kristi


                        • #13

                          .....I meant SFC Cotton....

                          Shelly and.......?

                          I suck with names so bad...
                          John & Kristi


                          • #14
                            Nice pics, Scott looks like you all had a great time.
                            After running our fire roads today we decided to run Jacoby canyon and its actually a very pretty area.
                            Looks like it will be a lot of fun when it has some snow on it.
                            We roamed allover the east side of Big bear today and had a ball we even ran into Greg Hofman doing his Job.
                            I am glad you all had a wonderfull time


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Nipple Twister View Post
                              .....I meant SFC Cotton....

                              Shelly and.......?

                              I suck with names so bad...
                              No problem! I am terrible with names too! That is why I have a wife to keep me straight!

                              No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

