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Kids on Public Lands (KOPL)


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  • Organized Event: Kids on Public Lands (KOPL)

    I just received this email about the Kids on Public Lands event for this year. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend as I will be at my 20th class reunion. Hopefully some of the great MJR peeps will be able to help out these kids!

    I have pasted the email below and have attached the Volunteer Registration form.

    Dear KOPL Volunteers,

    We're very pleased to announce that the 11th annual Kids On Public Lands event will be held this year on September 19th & 20th at the Big Bear Discovery Center.
    Thanks to you, KOPL 2008 was a tremendous success! Without your continued support we wouldn't be able to present this event to the kids each year.
    We again ask that you volunteer your time to help make this year's event just as special as previous years.
    Of course we need drivers as usual for both days, and others to assist with set up/take down, kids events, kitchen helpers, parking and trail guides, etc .
    Please fill out the attached Volunteer Registration Form and turn it in by mail, fax, or scan and email it back. Please complete this form as soon as possible so we can get a handle on the number and availability of our volunteers.

    The event will be pretty much be the same as last year. And as happens from year to year we have worked out a few of the rough spots from prior years. We have again received permission from SBNFA's insurance underwriter that we can have one driver to one child in a vehicle. So there is no need to go looking for that back seat you took out ten years ago. But you will need to have a working CB radio in the vehicle for the child to use. If you already have a radio that is fine. There will also be radios for you to borrow.

    We are also in need of items for the goodie bags for the children. If you have any items please let us know.
    You will need at least 50 items for the boys and/or 50 items for the girls.
    Donations are what makes this event happen. Once again we are looking for help to defray our costs.

    Attached is information about last year's event, photos, thank you notes from the kids, a list of our generous sponsors.
    Also attached is this year's Volunteer Registration Form.

    371 photos of our event were posted on Rick Russell's photo portfolio

    A two minute video about our event (not specific to our last event) is
    posted on
    Feel free to share this video with any friends or potential sponsors who
    want to know more about our event.

    Your help and assistance is graciously appreciated!

    If you have any questions please feel free to give me, or Tracy a call.

    Stacey Harrold
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I will be there again this year with some of the E Clampus Vitus folks doing the gold panning/history piece. Hope to see some MJR folks there as well. They can always use some ladies to drive on Sunday with the girls, and helping out around the Discovery Center is always appreciated by the KOPL team.
    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

