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This is the line on the left of the waterfall. What made it more difficult this time around was a huge rock at the bottom of the line. The rock made it hard to get as far left as I usually do and got the right rear hung up a bit. Had to get the winch out to finish it. Still fun.
Thats the video I watched the night before.I was telling Steve that the left line seemed to work best
but It looked the hardest.When he lined up on It he went right up.
...The one cyn.that Steve is referring to was the one that the jeep rolled climbing out of it
Hey Fred. I'm a little lost on this. Are you referring to the post where Jesse did this?:
Or are you referring to something different?
If it was the picture that I posted, that is the upper part of the first canyon in Pumpkin Eater.
The Pumpkin Eater Trail actually covers two canyons. The first is what everyone posts about, but the second is further north and has some really cool stuff too. The V-Notch is one of my favorites:
Did you do both?
I have finally stopped drinking for good.
Now I drink for evil..... :devil:[/COLOR]
It would be the one with the v notch.We went up the wash to the left side of it.Then walked over and saw the v notch and the trail going up the cyn.
With all the trails we saw we are going to go back and work on them.This place is cool can't wait to get back
Mike, you gotta post that? I got word that there are some jeepers working on a trail that continues up the hill past the V-notch, the 'trail' that they had started looked really cool last time I was up there, just don't know how far it goes...
Mike, you were blazing a trail on the first canyon at one time, right? :devil: That taril hates me! Looks like fun!
:gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun: