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Horsethief Flats


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  • Trail Report: Horsethief Flats

    This is a quick post for Kevin (1BADFNZ) and his partner (no not that kind a partner) Carlos. We met Kevin, Carlos, and their friend and his wife(sorry about the names) this morning in Lucerne. I was with Chuck (dirtman13, and others to run Bullfrog. Kevin was running 3N03 from Hwy 18 and a side spur n/e 3N03Y
    I think? Well we all went are way and on My way home from Bullfrog I had a phone message from Kevin to stop by on my way home, that they LOST ONE! That kinda freeked me cause I like Kevin so much and also his dog Duke that I knew was with him. Well it Turned out that Carlos followed the first Jeep down a trail desribed as Extremely Steep, Loose, And a Major Pucker

    Anyway the story goes that Carlos in his XJ started sliding forward and hit a hole and a rock and that pitched him ass over front flip and then 4 or 5 side barrel rolls to the bottom and he landed on what was left of four tires. Carlos was not seriously hurt but did get hit with flying things from inside the Jeep. The Jeep is majorly totaled! Every window is blown out, frame is tweaked and entire top is smashed. It is awesome that Carlos hugged the steering wheel and rode it out and walked away. Someone was on his side today.

    I was asked to post this for them. I glad they were all able to request this.

    ***This got to Kevin to the point he would not drive down! And anyone who knows Kevin knows he doesn't back down from a challenge!


    Carlos, you are a lucky man!!!!!

  • #2
    :omg: I'm glad he is ok.
    Check out .


    • #3
      Wow, Carlos is very lucky, I know if Kevin will not run something it's better to stay away from it


      • #4
        glad your ok

        looks like she held up fairly well
        [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"You cant fit 2 fingers in my tailpipe"[/COLOR]


        • #5
          Pucker Hill

          Well Thank God that everyone is okay. This was Carlos 2nd time out in his Cherokee. 1st time was Bullfrog, and now this. My Son who was leading, had his wife,
          ( Tracy ) walk down the hill, when she was safely down, Scotty started down. We've, Scott and I, have been down this beast before with no problems. This hill is steep, you definitly want to count the lugs on the tires. When you get half way down, you're going to slide, and thats when you have to get off the brakes, and back on them again. I didn't see it happen, as I watched my partner half way down and waked back to the Cruiser. As I was tightening my 5 point harness I heard BOom, Boom, Boom. This is not what I wanted to here. Carlos is okay but the Cherokee that I help build for him is total. Freaking thing still ran. Picked up and clean the area, got tires inflated, and was able to get it to the main trail under its own power, where Scott hooked on to it and towed it out. It shook me up enough that I went back the way we came to get out of the canyon. Guess I'm going to be looking for another XJ, and get him back on the road. These things happen, no ryhme or reason. If you are going to play hard, sometime the trail wins. An XJ i can build, and replace. A good partner is not replaceable. The good Lord was on our side today, Kevin.


          • #6
            Amen Brother!

            My concern for and your pup didn't deminish my concern for Carlos. Very happy outcome! Call me when you find a donor vehicle. I need to learn the rebuiding steps and you lend any help needed.



            • #7
              Kevin, Glad that Carlos is ok. Like you said, trail rigs can be replaced, but your partner can't.

              Just happy for you guys that everything ended up better than it looks.


              • #8
                Glad everyone was ok!

                Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


                • #9
                  Like I said, "bring a change of undies"! Damn, glad to see Carlos looks better than his Jeep. I take it Pucker Hill has stepped up a notch or two lately? Gotta get over there...
                  Again, glad you weren't Hurt Carlos.
                  [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                  [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                  • #10
                    Holy Smoke! I'm glad Carlos is okay.

                    Sounds like Horsethief is Mitch's kind of trail! :devil::devil::wink:

                    I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                    Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


                    • #11
                      "Any landing you can walk away from was a good landing."

                      "Any Jeep roll you can walk away from was a 'good' jeep roll"

                      Glad everyone is okay. There is nothing about a jeep that can't be fixed, repaired, upgraded or otherwise replaced. Fortunately, this roll seems it will only hurt the pocket book.

                      Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati


                      • #12
                        Here is a picture from the trail after the roll.


                        • #13
                          Wow! Glad no one was hurt!

                          Sorry to hear about the vehicle.

                          Hopefully, with so many handy people here at MJR, the hurt to the wallet can be diminished.

                          "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)


                          • #14
                            Was this on 3N03A (Horsethief) or Suicide Slide? (BLM area to the northeast of 3N03A). The pictures look like the bottom of Suicide Slide.

                            I just finished writing the annual Maintenance Plan with 3N03A's AAT club - I don't remember anything like those pictures show on 3N03A.

                            Something to note: Depending on which maps you use, "Suicide Slide" is/may be part of the Bighorn Wilderness. Motorized vehicle use in the Wilderness is a pretty hefty fine ($5000/6 months in jail), and the latest policy on Law Enforcement allows NO "officer discretion" as to whether the fine is imposed.

                            Carlos, glad to see you were unhurt. But I'd like to ask everyone to help pass the word - Suicide Slide is NOT part of the SBNF trail system.
                            Last edited by Old Fart; 05-18-09, 12:59 PM.
                            You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!


                            • #15
                              ouch !
                              Jeepers need to remember to fasten all their gear down inside the Jeep, even with a hard top, no top etc ...most folks get hurt when their junk goes flying.
                              Glad no one was hurt here...looks like some nasty potential though.
                              curious as to the route he was on as well.

