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Cleghorn Hunting Questions

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  • Trail Discussion: Cleghorn Hunting Questions

    I called California Department of Fish and Game only to find out what I already know about hunting regulations. They toldme to call the Sheriffs department to find out what firearm I am allowed to use.

    The sherriffs department said I have to call forest service because it is their land.

    I called forest service and they told me to follow The Department of Fish and Games regulations.

    I am in the clouds because none of the departments really answered my question.

    So here I am to the only trustful source I know - MJR!

    Are we allowed to shoot 30-06 rifles in this area.

    I am already aware of the 150 yard regulation from roads, buildings and streams. We can't shoot across roads and streams. We already posses the correct tags.

    Does anyone here have any further information before I take my 30-06 rifle and go hunting around cleghorn?

    I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:

  • #2
    [COLOR="Blue"]What are you planning on hunting Bash, deer season is over as well as bird season. The only shooting allowed in the NF is during hunting season with the specified gun for the type of game your hunting. F&G makes those reg's.

    Unless the area is designated for "shooting".



    • #3
      Wild Boar.

      I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


      • #4
        [COLOR="Sienna"]I don't know Cleghorn at all...there are Boar there?

        [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
        Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


        • #5
          I'm actually researching for my friend. There has been wild boar spotting on Cleghorn this past Sunday April 19,2009. So he called me to get more info.

          I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


          • #6
            [COLOR="Sienna"]Ah, I know some guys go to the closed Air Force base somewhere over near Victorville for Boar Hunting...probably nearby?[/COLOR]
            [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
            Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


            • #7
              Ofcourse with me posting that there has been spotting, I have given the spot away but Wild Boar are generally difficult to hunt. Especially around Cleghorn,you would have to hike deep into the forest to be 150 yards away from any road.

              I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


              • #8
                Originally posted by USMC 0369 View Post
                [COLOR="Sienna"]Ah, I know some guys go to the closed Air Force base somewhere over near Victorville for Boar Hunting...probably nearby?[/COLOR]
                They probably escaped from that area. I say the pictures of the boar. One was huge (male).

                I'm n the DFG site now checking land information.

                I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


                • #9
                  [COLOR="Sienna"]What it sounds like to me is that if you went hunting up there, you could feasably tell whomever showed up to confront you that the other agency said it was okay.

                  If a ranger showed up, the sherriff said it was okay, if the sherriff shows up, the ranger said it was okay!

                  Not that I'm encouraging you to do that. Just saying nobody seems to know what's going on.[/COLOR]
                  [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                  Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


                  • #10
                    [COLOR="Sienna"]Found this:

                    Maybe it will help? Some maps at the end but don't see Cleghorn on there.[/COLOR]
                    [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                    Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


                    • #11
                      I've been reading it over and over and I don't see our area as Boar area. I'm taking my friend up there tonight at 6:30 so I can show him the area so he has an idea of how Cleghorn Rd is formed.

                      I have spotted a few quails on 2N17x but to get 150 yards away from the road is practically impossible. The area is too steep and too brushy.

                      I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


                      • #12
                        Actually what and where you can shoot is dictated by County regulations. This can be superceded by City, State, and Federal Regulations


                        It appears as if Cleghorn is in an area that allows hunting in certain areas and shotgun only use in other areas.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by karstic View Post
                          Actually what and where you can shoot is dictated by County regulations. This can be superceded by City, State, and Federal Regulations


                          It appears as if Cleghorn is in an area that allows hunting in certain areas and shotgun only use in other areas.
                          That's what I was thinking. I'm going to further investigate.

                          I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


                          • #14
                            man bash a couple of us ran cleghorn back to the 15 today and did not see any wild boar but did see a couple snakes on the trail ....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by USMC 0369 View Post
                              [COLOR="Sienna"]Ah, I know some guys go to the closed Air Force base somewhere over near Victorville for Boar Hunting...probably nearby?[/COLOR]
                              There's no boar hunting at the closed AFB in victorville. It is an active Airport. I don't think the FAA or TSA would take too kindly to firearms on the airport...
                              SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                              MJR moderator
                              MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                              Jeep Patrol Leader
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                              Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                              Eagle Scout

