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2n33 Pilot Rock AAT


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  • Trail Report: 2n33 Pilot Rock AAT


    That sums up the day and effort from a Great bunch of AAT volunteers!

    LOST JEEPS members ROCK! We got a lot of stuff done and defintely created a much safer trail for the public. You all deserve a pat on the back.

    We had 13 volunteers and two rangers.

    Lets see, we did the following:
    Installed our trail sign and Dedicated OUR trail w/ club sticker.
    Moved Many large rocks and boulders off the trail.
    Blocked a couple of illegal trail sections and cleaned up someones damage off the trail.
    Cleaned up various trash and debris along the way as well as a mess of construction debris and various trash.
    Cleaned out several culverts.
    Filled in a sink hole w/ boulder and made that section of trail much safer and the repair was invisible when finished.
    Visited North Shore camp w/ Greg and saw some cool places that the trail volunteers have created. :shock:
    Sure I'm missing something.....
    Had a great dinner w/ some of the coolest Jeepers!!

    Overall, Another Great day w/ LOST JEEPS So-Cal!

    It's Officially Official!

    Giant boulder in this pic needs removal... :shock: any ideas?

    Pullin' a rock....

    still pullin' a rock....

    Yep, More rock pullin'....

    puuuuuuuulllll.........almost there....

    Heave HO!!


    Best show up next time or get the evil grin from Me! :twisted:

    Thanks again everyone!!

  • #2

    Looks like you and the Jeep got quite the workout. Thanks to all for the time and effort on your new ATT.



    • #3
      Great maintenance report. Thanks to you and the LOST Jeeps for all your dedication!
      Over 2500 hours donated to the San Bernardino National Forest. Life member of CA4WD, CORVA & BRC. Tread Lightly Trainer. Reforestation Supervisor. CASSP


      • #4
        Great report and pics. I'm glad that you guys adopted that road. It's been needing some love for a while now. Nice work!

        I have finally stopped drinking for good.
        Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


        • #5
          Nice work. Thanks to all of you for volunteering your time to help keep our trails open and safe. You're a great group of people helping the off-road community! Keep it up!
          If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?

          Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


          • #6
            That Big rock looks too big to try rolling it over the side. I would try to dig out a hole on the left or right of it, and then try to roll it in to that hole so it isn't in the trail. You are probably going to need a tractor out there to move that thing anyway.
            Those left standing
            Will make millions
            Writing books on ways
            It should have been
            -Incubus "Warning"


            • #7
              [COLOR="Sienna"]Great to see lots of work being done on the trails as well. Their use is often underated. I've got a spot we could put that huge boulder if we could get a lift and dumptruck to it.[/COLOR]
              [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
              Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


              • #8
                Lets put it right after the first creek crossing on 3N93! It probably only weighs 6000-7000 lbs. lol
                Those left standing
                Will make millions
                Writing books on ways
                It should have been
                -Incubus "Warning"


                • #9
                  Our club has actually been working this trail for a couple years now. We started out by cleaning up a couple bad dump sites, filling up two truck beds full of tires, furniture, trash, etc. plus lots of bags of garbage. Last year we did some heavy brushing of blind corners w/ a Ranger helping w/ a chainsaw. we have quite a bit more of that to do for sure.
                  we are hoping to get a few more work parties up there this year to really whip it into shape......

                  Then comes work on the bypasses....... Ones we get to keep and incorporate into our trail......IF things go as planned. More info coming about That topic...probably hear more about that after the AAT meeting this week. Greg should be talking about Our bypasses as well as some crazy news about all won't beleive your ears on that one.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by OU812 View Post
                    Lets put it right after the first creek crossing on 3N93! It probably only weighs 6000-7000 lbs. lol
                    [COLOR="Sienna"]Great minds DO think alike!

                    John, it's the menial work that really makes a huge difference. When adopting 2n84 we had many of the brush clearing projects as well. It's great to see clubs so dedicated to the forest.

                    Now...about Cleghorn...must we wait until the 15th???[/COLOR]
                    [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                    Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


                    • #11
                      I hat to say too much about Cleghorn since I am waiting for more info from Greg before going crazy about it....However.

                      Based on what he told us the morning of our AAT run though, The bypasses that were supposed to be added to 2n33 as Jeep trails AND (not sure if it was bypasses or All of Cleghorn) Cleghorn were mis-classified during a recent trail inventory (don't quote my terminology) as Under 50" trails so they couldn't be used by Jeeps. Apparently, these changes were available to the public to review and comment on and NOBODY made Any comments at all. I guess the terminology they used in their write ups was meant for the smaller size trails and nobody caught it since it didn't sound like anything odd so nobody realized it meant Only under 50" vehicles. (naturally, I don't recall what the term used was)
                      Hopefully I don't look like an ass by mentioning this since I really don't know where we are at w/ it (and my details are sketchy) as Greg said he was working on the issue. Hopefully it wil be treated as a typo and fixed or all hell surely will break loose over this. I am sure more will be said about it at the AAT meeting, Wish I could attend.


                      • #12

                        Thanks for the info, please keep us posted. If you hear of any meetings related to this subject let us know. I'd be there in a heart beat. Thanks again Lost Jeeps!



                        • #13
                          [COLOR="Sienna"]Thanks for the heads up. Cleghorn may be on my future runs. Good to know. I'll be at the AAT meeting on the 15th, so if anything new comes from that, look for more word on MJR. I don't think I'll be the first to post it, but someone will.

                          NOW...about moving that huge rock to 3n93...

                          What? You didn't think I was serious?[/COLOR]
                          [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                          Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by great88 View Post

                            Thanks for the info, please keep us posted. If you hear of any meetings related to this subject let us know. I'd be there in a heart beat. Thanks again Lost Jeeps!

                            Mitch, Go to the AAT meeting in Riverside (IIRC that is where they are) on the 15th. Should be lots of good info there. I have heard they are good meetings. Wish I was closer so I could attend or that they did them on weekend evenings.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by View Post
                              Mitch, Go to the AAT meeting in Riverside (IIRC that is where they are) on the 15th. Should be lots of good info there. I have heard they are good meetings. Wish I was closer so I could attend or that they did them on weekend evenings.

                              15 and Magnolia at the Sizzler, just follow the bad smell...
                              You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!

