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Ord Mountains Dinner and Exploring


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  • Trail Report: Ord Mountains Dinner and Exploring

    I had an invite from friends Scott and Lesa to have a steak dinner with them after the Calico clean up. Not one to turn down a great dinner, I said yes!. I was wondering about the resturant when I was informed of the location a couple of miles east of Hwy 247 at their weekend campsite. A big Porterhouse, baked potato, sauted mushrooms, beans, and garlic bread is about 1000 times better in a quiet canyon outdoors. Stargazing after dinner topped it off. I left the cozy campfire around 9:30pm to rescue my dog sitting in dark outside at home.

    I returned this morning with Dave(flatpoint) to re-supply some firewood and cold beverages. We hit the local trails in search of a couple of new mines and a trail skinny cross-mountain trail we had not taken. This trail was narrow in a couple spots, tipping out to the dropoff. My favorite kind (NOT!!!). I was not happy in a few places but acted like a big boy. We explored for a couple of hours and found some new mines to check out. The weather was perfect 78' and not a cloud in the sky.

    Thanks Scott and Lesa for the tasty dinner and sharing the campfire. Thanks Dave for getting out again!.



    This is how I like camp food!

    We saw our old friend Mr. Bat

    The shelf road Dave made me do!

    DANGER! Looks like fun

    This is one we missed till we turned around and headed the other way

    Mr Lizard

    Scott said don't jump!

    Scott / Dave
    Last edited by Mitch; 03-28-09, 07:58 PM.

  • #2
    Looks like fun. GREAT campsite! I gotta find me one of those metal grille things.
    Off road adventure photography:

    TreadLightly Trainer
    Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
    HAM - KI6PFO

    2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


    • #3

      Scott's grill is perfect for Jeeping. It folds up flat and doesn't take up much space. Burgers, Steaks, Quesadillas, pizzas.... Happy camping.



      • #4
        Once again, I'm jealous.


        • #5
          Here's some pic's from Dave's camera.

          Narrow hillside trail

          Bubbles watching the Jeeps

          Sniffing out more mines


          • #6
            That bat pic is cool!
            "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -- Ben Franklin


            • #7

              Great photos! looks like you guys had a great campout!

              Scott, thats a cool camp spot you picked out there, is it by where you live?
              Glad you had a wonderful time!


              • #8

                Originally posted by tony m View Post

                Great photos! looks like you guys had a great campout!

                Scott, thats a cool camp spot you picked out there, is it by where you live?
                Glad you had a wonderful time!
                Tony, it is very close, only 30 or so minutes from where we live and only about 20 minutes from Cougar buttes. It was great to get away and enjoy some of the great outdoors! Lesa and I decided not to head out to Calico this time, (I'm still waiting on my rear ring & Pinion to show up) instead we went to a camp spot that Dave (flatpoint) and Mitch had showed us.

                Friday was nice, temps around 78 and a slight breeze that kept it nice. Thanks again to Mitch for stopping by after the clean-up to enjoy a camp dinner and good conversation! After Mitch left it got real cold. We decided to call it a day and headed for the warmth of the sleeping bags!

                Got up the next morning and did a bit of exploring near the campsite and checked out another mine in the area. We were lucky to see some awesome critters out sunning themselves that morning. Came across a stripped Lizard and two big Chuckwallas! They weren't to happy we were there! Further down the trail we came across a Horned Toad Lizard that was real cool.
                Got back to the camp site to find Mitch and Dave waiting with supplies! Thanks to both of you for bringing us the wood and beer, much appreciated!

                Lesa and I decided to tag along with them to do some exploring in the area and had a blast! We parted ways about 3:30 or so and headed back to camp for dinner. The evening was perfect, no wind to speak of and we hung out by the fire til about 9:30 or so. After we hit the sac, the wind came up and man did it blow!! I had to run out and baton everything down so it wouldn't take off! We broke camp about 9am and headed home!

                All in all a perfect weekend get away!

                Pic's soon!

                "I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:


                • #9
                  Glad to hear Scott, can't wait to see the pics!


                  • #10
                    Love what you did with the place, Scott/Lesa.....The "second" fire pit adds a whole new feel to it! I'm feeling the urge to bring a genarator, a hammer drill, pick, shovel and a six pack up there and give it a "makeover" it up a bit, more tent room....Thanks for the fun.


                    • #11
                      Camp Grill

                      Originally posted by nwoods View Post
                      Looks like fun. GREAT campsite! I gotta find me one of those metal grille things.
                      We found that at Wal-Mart, $26.88 and it was perfect!

                      "I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:


                      • #12
                        No Problem Dave!

                        Originally posted by flatpoint View Post
                        Love what you did with the place, Scott/Lesa.....The "second" fire pit adds a whole new feel to it! I'm feeling the urge to bring a genarator, a hammer drill, pick, shovel and a six pack up there and give it a "makeover" it up a bit, more tent room....Thanks for the fun.
                        Hey Dave, First, thank you so much for the great camp site as well as the even better beer you brought us! Lesa and I enjoyed camping up there so much that we are already planning our next trip! .... and If you need a hand with the renovation, we'd be glad to come up and help!

                        Scott & Lesa
                        Last edited by avjeepfreek; 03-30-09, 09:39 PM.
                        "I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:


                        • #13

                          My dog is complaining about having to stay home on the rough Jeep trips. So I'll probly put him in the Jeep during the week for a short easy trip to the camp spot for a little raking and some rock moving.



                          • #14
                            Hey Mitch,
                            You have the coolest friends!
                            Looks like another good time... You just keep having those. I'm jealous.
                            Thanks for taking the time to post all the reports for all of your adventures. Hope to slip in on some in the future.



                            • #15
                              I was wondering with all those mines you explore have you ever found a gold nugget? That would be so cool!

