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Tds 2009


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  • Trail Report: Tds 2009

    Awesome trip.

    I got out there Friday around 6. Was really windy and some crappy weather. I thought the whole weekend was gonna be like this and was gonna leave. But figured to ride it out.

    I couldnt find anyone I knew out there. Camped outside of main area about a mile away.

    next day weather was great. woke up around 5 and got ready for a big day.

    traffic was bad for about an hour or so. then when you started hitting the blue and red trails it got way better.

    I am pretty sure all inds of jeeps were here. from willys to new to buggys.

    some gnarly hill slides were out there. Al

    Ford Raptor 6.2l

  • #2
    this is the blue trail where I broke my front locker.

    Fj kept getting some major air.

    this blue trail was alot of fun. tons of air, tight turns, and really off camber

    this turn was pretty tight coming down.

    that trail was fun. After we got off the official said someone flopped behind us back there. A different group then us. we were on that trail for a while and no one ever caught up to us.

    3 of MJR won something of the raffle.

    and at then end of the evening everyone went to the washes.giant part in the middle of nowhere.

    there was probably a few hundred people on the edges of the washes.

    event was good. I enjoyed it and the company. About 90 some prize were given out. Ton of vendors. and a few killer deals were there.

    kinda was a circus at times. signs were very confusing in one area. we actually did a circle 3 times. one official was a dick. stopped me on the trail. Couldnt hear what he was saying and he then yelled at me I was blocking a trail. I was moving the whole time. traffic was bad beginning of day. then about an hour into it got better.

    other than that I would say it was a good place to go. I learned alot and it really teaches you how to drive. met tons of people out there.
    Ford Raptor 6.2l


    • #3
      Truckhaven is a lot of fun, I can do with out the big crowds though, its nice to run with a group of 10 or less Jeeps and just cruise through them trails all day long


      • #4
        great pics.
        it was a good time out there.
        it sucked getting split up from you guys, butt hat rollover, and trail plug had me blocked for quite some time.

        thanks for dinner, Al, and Clay. (great kids you have there, Clay)

        nice to meet the rest of you, and great to have some time to hang out with those of you i havent seen for a while..

        i'm sure in typical Russ fashion, he will chime in with some great photos and a detailed trail report.

        i did manage to win some stuff this year. it was cool to get to finally go up there and collect some junk.
        many of the prizes were silly, but there was one good one in my ditty bag. i got a weekend in a motor home dropped off somewhere in San Diego.

        i think that will be fun. I'll probably have it dropped at some beach and wind back a bit.

        i was truly disappointed to see the same guy that rolled his jeep on the trail with his kids in it over at the notches doing stupid shit with the same kids in there. some people should have their man cards revoked.

        outside of that it was a great time with excellent company.

        95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


        • #5
          TDS was a blast and the red and blue trails were full of tight notchs and hill climbs




          • #6
            There were a lot of MJR members at Truckhaven for the 47th Annual Tierra Del Sol Desert Safari, but only four members (Igofshn, Cweed, Nailer341 and myself) and two friends from the Hanford Trailbusters club were at the designated encampment site. Have you ever played “Where’s Waldo?”, do you see the MJR banner? Hint: look for the blue FJ Cruiser parked in front of a large motor home. I heard that there were over 1,000 registered participants and over 15,000 people in the general vicinity.

            I arrived on Friday morning, set up camp, and went wheeling with Al (Igofshn), Clay (Cweed) and their friends from the Hanford Trailbusters, Matt and Rebel. This is Rebel’s Blue FJ Cruiser in Truckhaven Hills:


            Here are Matt’s silver TJ followed by Clay’s (Cweed) CJ-7:


            We went to the Truckhaven Phonebooth. It has a nice view of the Truckhaven Hills, Salton City and the Salton Sea:


            If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


            • #7
              On Saturday morning, we lined up for the start of the 47th annual Tierra Del Sol Desert Safari. Here’s Erik’s (Nailer341) YJ:


              Josh’s (Tomb Raider 940) Silver Rubicon:


              Al’s (Igofshn) Samurai:


              Clay’s (Cweed) CJ-7:


              Rebel’s Blue FJ Cruiser:


              Matt’s white TJ:


              Later in the run, Jeff (RallyeX) joined our group:


              We also saw Richard from Gen-Right on the run. I believe that this is a picture of his rig:


              While waiting for the start of the run, I took this picture of these critter tracks. I’m not sure if these tracks were left by a milliped or a snake:

              Last edited by Russ Chung; 03-10-09, 05:10 AM. Reason: corrected owner of the green Jeep (Richard from Gen-Right)
              If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


              • #8
                As Josh reported in his post, the start of the run is as slow and congested as the San Diego Freeway during rush hour. The trail is marked with green arrows. Optional routes are marked with Red (difficult) and Blue (extreme) arrows:


                I had time to snap this photo of some desert wildflowers in bloom:



                After the first few obstacles, the participants began to spread out and we were able to spend more time wheeling and less time waiting. This is Al’s (Igofshn) Samurai followed by Clay’s (Cweed) CJ-7 and Rebel’s blue FJ Cruiser:


                This is Matt’s white TJ and Erik’s (Nailer341) red YJ:


                Al, Clay and Rebel:


                Rebel’s FJ Cruiser spent a lot of time wheeling on three wheels:

                If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


                • #9
                  The trail is marked with green arrows. Optional routes are marked with Red (difficult) and Blue (extreme) arrows . Al (Igofshn) on a blue arrow route:


                  Josh (Tomb Raider 940):


                  Clay (Cweed):


                  Jeff (RallyeX):


                  Josh (Tomb Raider 940) climbs a red route hill while Rebel, Al and Clay wait at the top:


                  Rebel gets a little off-camber while Josh waits:


                  Josh (Tomb Raider 940) flexing:


                  Rebel flexing:


                  Josh (Tomb Raider 940) getting some air:

                  Last edited by Russ Chung; 03-10-09, 05:09 AM.
                  If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


                  • #10
                    Josh’s carnage. We replaced the u-joint when we returned to camp.

                    After the raffle, where Al (Igofshn), Erik (Nailer341) and I won prizes, we went to the Notches to watch and hear the action:

                    If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


                    • #11
                      Some awesome pics. great night pics.

                      Richard from Genright joined us in the Dark green jeep.

                      Dogman. Never saw you man. We would have had some fun fo sho
                      Ford Raptor 6.2l


                      • #12
                        Great report as always, Russ. Thanks.
                        We were there.... couldn't find the MJR banner.... ok, call us blind. There were two of us, one brand new Rubicon, no lift and my TJ. We did not join any of the runs, just ran a few trails going the wrong way against the arrows..... but it made for a good show. We pulled over in the wash and pulled out the chairs and watched every kind of jeep creeping by us. How they are set up, what they look like on the bottom side as they would crest the mound in front of us. Its fun to see. Then we also made our way to the notches to watch the buggys do their thing.
                        We'll see ya out there.
                        "If you have significant difficulty here, dont go any only gets worse".
                        (Charles Wells)


                        • #13
                          Here are my pictures from the weekend.


                          We had a great time.

                          Jeff (RallyeX) & Robin


                          • #14
                            Jeff. Is there a trick to downloading those pics off of that site. You have some badass ones on there.
                            Ford Raptor 6.2l


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tomb Raider 940 View Post
                              Jeff. Is there a trick to downloading those pics off of that site. You have some badass ones on there.
                              Go to the site and click on the picture you want full size, then click below the picture for original.


