[COLOR="Sienna"]In keeping with MJR's longstanding efforst of good forest stewardship, there is an opportunity for everyone to give back to the forest trails on we all love, not just the Adopt-a-Trail group.
This may seem short fused...but it's no longer just an Adopt-a-Trail function. Anyone can sign up for the training to help reforest the burned areas of the San Bernardino Nat'l Forest!!
Please! Come out to help bring the mountain and forest we love back to life!
Sign up for either the 21st or the 22nd supervisor's class on Forest Aid's Website, then on the [COLOR="darkorange"]MJR Calendar[/COLOR] to let us know which day you're going!
Also, you may sign up for any dates you have available to volunteer for actual tree planting on the Forest Aid website.
This may seem short fused...but it's no longer just an Adopt-a-Trail function. Anyone can sign up for the training to help reforest the burned areas of the San Bernardino Nat'l Forest!!
Please! Come out to help bring the mountain and forest we love back to life!
Sign up for either the 21st or the 22nd supervisor's class on Forest Aid's Website, then on the [COLOR="darkorange"]MJR Calendar[/COLOR] to let us know which day you're going!
Also, you may sign up for any dates you have available to volunteer for actual tree planting on the Forest Aid website.