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Mojave Road Adventure


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  • Trail Report: Mojave Road Adventure

    Well, I have been wanting to run this trail for a while now. Wow, what a great run! I had alot of fun and had the opportunity to see some pretty incredible scenery. I lead a group of six toyotas. Couldn't let them have all the fun!

    I really enjoyed camping at altitude the first night up in Caruthers Canyon, but the %$#@ wind was a little much. I don't mind cold in the least but the wind was a different matter. Most of us ended up gathered around the grill and having some chicken, braut's and beer. Everyone ended up hittin' the sack pretty early.

    Day 2 was every bit as great as day 1. We had a pretty rapid descent back down to the desert floor and 10 or so miles of the most relaxing whoops I've ever experinced. So much so that I was being rocked to sleep.

    I have to say that I think we stumbled upon the "perfect" campsite. Just about the time everyone had strategically placed their vehicles to create the most effective windbreak, the wind died completely. What a beautiful night, perfect really. Tacos were on the menu which we all wolfed down so fast that even the dogs didn't stand a chance and followed it with s'more's guessed it, more beers. Perfect.

  • #2
    A few more pics...


    • #3
      Very nicely captures the essence of your trip, love the scenery


      • #4
        BS Fab and Crew

        We just did the run over the Christmas holiday...It was a Blast. I see the lake was finally dry...

        Great Pics
        Head nut at Outdoorlogic
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        • #5
          I'm really lookin foward to doing this spring. I hope someone thats done it wants to lead a group.


          • #6
            Originally posted by TJ Clay View Post
            I'm really lookin foward to doing this spring. I hope someone thats done it wants to lead a group.
            TJ, I've run it and I'm in! It is one of my favorite trips. In 1906 my wife's family homesteaded in Land Fair Valley right near the road. The property is still in the family and we camp there every few years.

            Let me know when you want to go. I have a few who want to go also.

            Borregowrangler, Nice write-up. It looks like you really had a great trip.
            SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
            MJR moderator
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            Jeep Patrol Leader
            Reforestation Supervisor
            Licensed Ham - n6ujm
            Eagle Scout


            • #7
              The Mojave Road is awsome in the spring, especially if it keeps raining this winter. I've never seen the desert so colorful. I took well over 2000 pictures in three days. We're going back sometime soon to see what we missed last time. Nice reprot and pics. Brings back the memories.
              [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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              • #8
                Looks like a great trip, nice writeup.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Roger View Post
                  Let me know when you want to go. I have a few who want to go also.
                  Please please please do it on a weekend! I have never done this trail and I'm itching to do it.
                  Off road adventure photography:

                  TreadLightly Trainer
                  Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
                  HAM - KI6PFO

                  2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nwoods View Post
                    Please please please do it on a weekend! I have never done this trail and I'm itching to do it.
                    x2 really wanna do this one!
                    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -- Ben Franklin


                    • #11
                      BTW, great story "telling" as always. I would love to hook up with you for a tour of AB some time.
                      Off road adventure photography:

                      TreadLightly Trainer
                      Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
                      HAM - KI6PFO

                      2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


                      • #12

                        That is a LOT of water for Piute Creek! Nice pic!

                        Okay, I missed the bus (in more than one way), where is this? Is it between the Stone Cabin and Rock Springs?

                        I can guess that part of the reason that it was so cold in Caruthers Cyn was all that white stuff on the ground!

                        It looks like you found the old mine trail in the upper Caruthers Cyn. If I am guessing right, how far did you go?
                        Did you get to this?:

                        Is this Rock Springs? This is an awesome pic! Nice.

                        Sorry for all the questions, but like Rat Patrol, seeing these sights again brings back some great memories of our trip last May.

                        For all those who have not done this trail, you really NEED to do this trail before you die. The mid- to late-springtime is awesome due to all the flowers, but based on these pics, it seems like anytime is good.

                        I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                        Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Roger View Post
                          TJ, I've run it and I'm in! It is one of my favorite trips. In 1906 my wife's family homesteaded in Land Fair Valley right near the road. The property is still in the family and we camp there every few years.

                          Let me know when you want to go. I have a few who want to go also.

                          Borregowrangler, Nice write-up. It looks like you really had a great trip.

                          I'm thinking of probably late march, early april. Leave on a thursday , drive to Avi Casino, spend the night there with a nice dinner, drinks, a little blackjack, spend friday and saturday on the trail. Plenty of time for a leisurely trip, hit the pavement sunday morning at I15 and head for home.

                          Let me know what you think, i'm sure mitch would want to go and i've got 1 other jeeper that would want to go also. I think probably no more then 6-8 in a group.


                          • #14
                            Nice Report and Pics. Mojave is an awesome trip and Caruthers Cyn is a must campsite.

                            Mike, we passed that bus. I remember seeing it off the trail.

                            I think it's almost time to go back.
                            Check out .


                            • #15
                              FWIW, there is a group going from the LOST JEEPS So-Cal club in the Spring (date coming soon). Also another group forming from the LOST AZ club running it May 22-25.

                              Looks like a few opportunities to get out and see this trail this Spring. If someone from MJR can't make the MJR run, You are Welcome to join the LOST JEEPS group on the trail.
                              I'll post up details when we nail them down.

