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Fun in The Desert 08


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  • Trail Report: Fun in The Desert 08

    The air conditioning went out in my CJ, so we ran Wrecking Ball with Kurt and Stuart. I rode with Kurt and Shari with Stuart. Tony (tool pimp) was the trail leader for the trail this year. There were a couple of buggys, some Toyotas a few Jeeps and a Range Rover.

    Last edited by Double AA; 09-28-08, 07:44 PM.

  • #2
    Stewart and Kurt on some of the first obstacles. This was Kurt's first time on Wrecking Ball and he did it with 35" tires, which made that much more diffulcut.


    • #3
      WOW! That was fast Andrew. Nice pics. I can't wait to see the video. Another fantastic event put on by VV4W. Not near as big a turn out as last year, but still there were a lot of cool rigs out there. Got to see a couple of rigs make it up Back Door and meet some great new freinds. It was great having a co-pilot, I'm so used to going solo. That extra pair of eyes on board made the 35's a little more capable. VV4W had another great raffle this year. I didn't score big this year, but the money goes to a good group. Thanks again VV4W. I didn't get very many pics cuz I was too busy keeping myself from becoming a trail tampon (those buggy guys thought they were gonna have fun with me, but me and my little Rat busted ass to keep out of there cross hairs) No major carnage. U shaped tie rod's about it. Two new creases in the body armor. Good times man... Oh yeah, Andrew's A/C works, he just wanted to go slummin...
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      • #4
        It was good to meet you all, Rat I owe you a apology... You proved me wrong great driving!!! Thanks to everyone that came out I had a great time as usual..... Thanks Again, Tony
        Wrecking Ball

        Link to all:
        Its no fun without family


        • #5
          The last obstacle is a waterfall that tends to get most peoples attention. I heard the first buggy made it on his own, everyone else used the winch.

          Here's Stuart climbing it using his usual patented waterfall climbing technic.

          Kurt must have thought it looked like fun because he used the same line with the same results. Kurt's climbs is on video only.

          Tony did a great job (for a Jeep hating, Toyota guy) of keeping everyone together and getting them off the trail safely. No breaks for the day except for one pinkey finger. And that guy continued to stack rocks for everyone, and he never stopped smiling.

          Everybody had a great attitude, and we all had a lot of fun. Shari and I had as much fun as can be expected, having been stuck in a TJ all day.

          If you haven't done FITD before you should. The Victor Valley club is a lot of good people that work real hard making sure everyone has a great time. Not all the trails are like Wrecking Ball. Some are harder, but several are a lot easier. People who have spent time and money building up their rigs owe it to themselves to come out to this event and try it once. Run one of the easier trails, listen to your spotter and you'll be fine. Nobody gets left broken on the trail. You'll also meet a lot of new people and support a great club at the same time.
          Last edited by Double AA; 09-28-08, 08:15 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Double AA View Post
            Tim did a great job (for a Jeep hating, Toyota guy)

            HAHAHA not a Jeep hater just a yota lover ...... and why do you keep calling me Tim?? :dunno:

            J/K fyi Its Tony
            Its no fun without family


            • #7
              Originally posted by tool pimp View Post
              HAHAHA not a Jeep hater just a yota lover ...... and why do you keep calling me Tim?? :dunno:

              J/K fyi Its Tony
              So, I'm going to guess your last name isn't Taylor either? Sorry.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tool pimp View Post
                HAHAHA not a Jeep hater just a yota lover ...... and why do you keep calling me Tim??

                J/K fyi Its Tony

                That's just Andrew, he kinda grows on you. Like a fungus...
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                • #9

                  and No I cant even spell my last name LOL
                  Its no fun without family


                  • #10
                    FITD 08 - One of the "easier" trails... Fissure Mtn.

                    I did Fissure Mountain on Saturday and had a ball! I rode shotgun in another couple of rigs so I could take pictures. Ran out of film way too fast!:oops:
                    It was mentioned earlier in the thread to go to FITD and try one of the easier trails. I highly recommend it! Good advice for some good times with a lot of great people and some awesome rigs!!!

                    Here are some of my shots:

                    Quick slideshow:

                    Here is our only carnage: Broken rear driveshaft

                    This last hill gave some folks a scare... but Josh articulated right through it!

                    All my shots:



                    • #11
                      I gotcha, don't worry about nothin!



                      • #12
                        I guess we could have picked a better angle for the winch line.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Double AA View Post
                          I guess we could have picked a better angle for the winch line.

                          From inside the Jeep the perspective was WAY different. Damn that was fun.
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                          • #14
                            ill never forget that waterfall

                            Rat I feel ya on those 35s:

                            [COLOR="Sienna"]97 TJ, 4.0 5spd, 3.5" Rock Krawler 5 inch stretch long arm, 30/44 locked with 48s, 35 inch MTRs, Warn 9k rock track 4:1, Vanco Big Brake Kit![/COLOR]


                            • #15
                              You went up the right side, didn't you?
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