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Early Morning Sunday Run- Table Mtn/Mountain Springs


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  • Trail Run: Early Morning Sunday Run- Table Mtn/Mountain Springs

    Anyone up for an early run to Mountain Springs stagecoah trail sunday morning? Located 72 miles east of San Diego near Jacumba, just east of Table Mountain, this is one I have yet to explore. I'm thinking of heading out from Alpine around say 6:00am? I need to get out this weekend but can't stray too far.

    To Get There: Exit Interstate 8 at In-Ko-Pah Road. Follow Old Hwy 80 southwest along the freeway for 0.9 miles. Turn right onto a dirt road near the freeway brake-check station.

    Trail Description: Easy/Moderate. Mild rocky climbs and sandy washes. Remote and scenic high desert drive with views of Interstate 8, Yuha Desert and Anza-Borrego.

  • #2
    Theres some good off camber stuff there. Once you get down to the ole sheep pens at 8 theres another trail which heads south then back up. Havent made it completely up it lots of loose stuff.

    I'd join but will be at Bronco wit some friends Sunday.
    97 TJ Buffed Out

    WEB site

