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Landers / Fry's / Couger Buttes


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  • Trail Report: Landers / Fry's / Couger Buttes

    I don't know how many "best day ever" days you can have, but this was another!

    I met Roger (CJ) and his friends Richard and Minda (TJ) in Lucerne at 7:00am for a quick run towards Landers off Hwy 247 before meeting Brian and Mike back at Camp Rock Road at 9:30am. We headed east on Hwy 247 in search of a couple more "Bill Mann" sites. We found the Rock Corral south of 247 and the wonderful spring just south of it. This spring and corral was established long ago and the spring area looks to be tended by caring Johnson Valley residents. Next we looked for "Boothes Folly", which is listed as a very old rock cabin. This was a cool spot that hasn't been destroy by the desert vandels. Very nice areas to explore further, but we needed to stay on schedule and head back to Camp Rock Road to meet Brian and Mike.

    After we all aired down at Camp Rock Road
    we headed to the Fry Mountain Mines so that Brian could document some of the historical sites in the area before the military steals more of our public lands from us. We checked out the Cold Fear Mine and explored the tunnels and area. Back out the canyon and north to the Main Fry Mountain Mine for some extensive under ground exploring! This mine has several hundred feet of under ground tunnels, with different options. We explored all of the tunnels this trip. There are a dozen mines and tunnels / shafts in this area. We left in search of the "Holy Grail" wooden arrastra that I visited before. We found a little canyon with a small rock waterfall to climb on the way and I actually got to take the plastic wrap off of my virgin tow-strap! I won't say who got straped but it wasn't me! We visited the wooden arrastra,an old rock arrastra, and several mine shafts that included miner signatures in the rocks from 1911! With Brians urging we followed a narrow series of trails out to head back to Cougar Buttes from some crawling. Richard and Minda had to leave, so we parted ways and then at Cougar Buttes we parted with Roger, who also had afternoon plans. So I followed Brian and Mike to the Buttes for a little class in Rock Crawling. Brian instilled lots of confidence in my Jeeps abilities and had me "doing it" where I would not have gone before! We played for a while and with spotting from Brian I played some new angles that would have stopped me in the past. All in all it was another "BEST DAY EVER" again. It was cool in the morning, got hot, got cool, had pouring rain on the way home, and the best part is that I'm meeting Dave to do it again at 6:00am in the morning.


    It's going to be a great day!

    Rock Corral / Water trough Landers area

    Well maintained Spring and picnic table area

    "Booths Folly" Rock Cabin

    Cold Fear Mine - Fry Mountains

    Roger having fun leaving the Cold Fear Mine

    Lunch at the Fry Mountain Mine Great View!

    Richard and Minda playing in the stock TJ

    The "Holy Grail" arrastra!!!

    Playin at the Buttes

    Brian and Mike / Cougar Buttes area

  • #2
    Looks like a great day Mitch!
    Best, Max7
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


    • #3
      Working towards a 9

      But only an 8.75 at this time. Yup, I will admit it....and I did witness it. I got Mitch done to Cougar Buttes to play in the rocks a little. He was a bit aprehensive at first, but not for long. On the first serious off-camber downhill, Mitch tried to tell me he wasn't up for it. I did my best Rat Patrol improve..........I smiled and waived and spotted him through like I had not heard a thing. Great 88 made it through with no problem. So I proceeded up an off-caber rock gully that was quite steep, and had several tight climbing turns. In my honest estimation, it would have been extremely difficult for a vehicle without lockers.....maybe not possible. Begrudgingly, Mitch was forced to follow. I may have helped with some spotting.........but Great 88 went right up that rocky clinb without a hickup.

      Now here comes the suprise. Once we reached the top of the climb Ol' Mitch gets on the CB and says "hey, I want to try that again." Next thing you know we spend an hour climbing and rocks and trying out new lines.

      Bad news about this all..............Mitch, next time we are going to the Hammers..........and you are driving your jeep up Claw Hammer. We can save Jack and Sledge and some of the others until you get some bigger tires.........but some careful driving low and slow and you will find yourself at the end of Claw Hammer wondering what the big deal is. Great 88 is a fine jeep, and well equiped. We will take it slow and easy............and get back home in on piece.

      Yup, Mitch is working his way towards being a first rate rock crawler. I can say without question......the Great 88 Jeep ROCKS!

      ROger, Mitch, Richard and Minda............thank you for a wonderful day. I enjoyed the trip an most of all your company. All the best.

      Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati


      • #4
        Agreed! It was a fine day. The weather cooperated…meaning that it was never TOO hot, nor TOO cool, and the “sweet summer rain” on the way home made for a refreshing drive in Brian’s Jeep sans doors.

        The highlight of the adventure for me was indeed the mostly intact arrastra with its wooden drive mechanism. Being a huge fan of old mines, mining equipment, and the associated goodies, the find was awesome. The fascination and marvel of those who toiled in the hardpan in search of fortune amazes me every time I get to visit these desolate ventures. I try to picture those hard working folks moiling for gold, carving into sides of mountains or slaving to dig a vertical pit. That must’ve been one hell of a way to make a living…if they where lucky enough to actually strike.

        The verdict in our ride was that Mitch is quite a rock climber. While being a bit tentative at the first sight of “trouble”, once convinced of the abilities of his machine, he’s a gamer! It’s a very nice Jeep and I appreciate his desire to keep it so. I’d have to take issue with anyone who still thinks of Mitch as timid. He rates in my book! Great job Mitch!

        Being that I was a Johnson Valley rookie, I can now say that it’s a great place. Let’s hope that it stays available as public land. With the wealth of history located there and the miles of interesting trails, it’d be a crying shame to have it taken over and made unavailable to those of us who love exploring.

        Traveling with Roger (that’s twice in two weeks), Mitch, Richard and Minda was great fun. They’re awesome folks with a great sense of adventure.

        Thanks guys for the great trip and the excellent guiding. I’m looking forward to the next outing.



        • #5
          It was a great day for sure. I agree with NiKnaak (Mike) about the mine and the history of them. I have a facination also for springs in the desert. You can find them in the driest most god-forsaken places.

          I thought for sure that Brian was going to post "Roger's Folley". Okay, I admit it, I'm getting old and forgetful. When we got to camprock and aired down, I forgot to lock my hubs. We figured it out when I couldn't make it up a stupid little hill...

          It's always great to go wheelin' with Mitch. We're not in a hurry, always stopping to checking something out or grab a piece of trash aong the trail.

          That reminds me, ever since the Anderson lake area became popular, I've always avoided it because I assumed that I would find it "trashed". I was totally shocked at just how clean it was! Some of the motorcycle clubs must have clean up days or something. It was actually one of the cleanest areas in the the desert especially considering how much it's used. If anyone knows of any group(s) that keep it clean, please thank them for me - from a long time desert dweller...
          SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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          Licensed Ham - n6ujm
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