FreewayDan put together a Father's Day run up Dishpan Springs for his Dad. I wanted to go, but my visiting Mother-in-law just isn't ready for a trail of that roughness. Instead, we went with the group to the Pinnacles staging area, from which the gang ran several short black diamond trails before getting to Dishpan Springs. Maybe, some pics will find their way onto a thread at some point.... (hint, hint, nudge, nudge)
The group airing down at the start of the Willow Creek Jeep Trail (3N34X):
Afterward, Sharon, Louise (my Mom-in-law) and I headed to Big Bear City where we got onto the famous Skyline Drive (2N10). This is a wonderful trail that wanders across the sunny side of the range above Big Bear City.
We turned off of this road onto Clark's Grade (1N54) and headed downhill towards Hwy 38. This is one of the best scenic trails that I have yet traveled in the SBNF:
At 1N04 , we turned East and crossed the benches of the valley to get to the Radford Truck Trail (2N06). 1N04 has some really great views and seems to be little traveled. This trail also struck me as one of the best scenic trails in the forest:
Radford Truck Trail (2N06) has some burned area that it passes through. It is rockier than the other trails. Even so, it still had some points that were quite nice:
We climbed back up to the Skyline Drive trail (2N10) and headed West to the GrandView Point. We hiked the trail to get to the point. The trail had no shoe prints. The only human made tracks were from mountain bikes and there were lots of them.
Grandview Point:
One of the views from there:
From the Point, we took 2N08 down into the Village of Big Bear. There are some great views of the lake as you drop down the trail:
We met some of the crew that ran Dishpan in the Village for dinner. It was a really nice day and the trails were beautiful. I definitely recommend these trails if you haven't driven them yet. Sharon drove and I took pictures. We never once needed 4WD. A nice easy, relaxing day.
I took stooopid amounts of scenery pics. If interested, you can see them at this link:
The group airing down at the start of the Willow Creek Jeep Trail (3N34X):
Afterward, Sharon, Louise (my Mom-in-law) and I headed to Big Bear City where we got onto the famous Skyline Drive (2N10). This is a wonderful trail that wanders across the sunny side of the range above Big Bear City.
We turned off of this road onto Clark's Grade (1N54) and headed downhill towards Hwy 38. This is one of the best scenic trails that I have yet traveled in the SBNF:
At 1N04 , we turned East and crossed the benches of the valley to get to the Radford Truck Trail (2N06). 1N04 has some really great views and seems to be little traveled. This trail also struck me as one of the best scenic trails in the forest:
Radford Truck Trail (2N06) has some burned area that it passes through. It is rockier than the other trails. Even so, it still had some points that were quite nice:
We climbed back up to the Skyline Drive trail (2N10) and headed West to the GrandView Point. We hiked the trail to get to the point. The trail had no shoe prints. The only human made tracks were from mountain bikes and there were lots of them.
Grandview Point:
One of the views from there:
From the Point, we took 2N08 down into the Village of Big Bear. There are some great views of the lake as you drop down the trail:
We met some of the crew that ran Dishpan in the Village for dinner. It was a really nice day and the trails were beautiful. I definitely recommend these trails if you haven't driven them yet. Sharon drove and I took pictures. We never once needed 4WD. A nice easy, relaxing day.
I took stooopid amounts of scenery pics. If interested, you can see them at this link: