I figured I'd make a 'report' section for those who snapped a couple of pics.....
I only have a few, but please add if you have any....
Yellow Jackect Trail
Yellow Jackect Trail
I know, not the best collection of pictures, but I tried.... I have a video or two of the beginning of Yellow Jacket ( The first little obstacle) But, since I ride at the budget boost height, I had to concentrate on not hitting the wonderful rocks that were just the right height for my axles..:omg:
I will work on U/L'ing those later....But, I hope the I inspire Rick and the others who have pics to put them up....
As for the trails themselves, well...it seems to be in pretty darn good shape...Although the trees have not yet fully recovered from the fires, the grounds have started to bloom with flowers....and the hill sides are finally starting to show signs of recovery.
Joe, Rick, and I were part of small group designated to inspect the East side of Yellow Jacket....
The trail was hardly hit by the fires and still seems to be as beautiful as it has in the past. The First obstacle there is tricky for stock long wheelbasers. I only have a 2" budget but with a winch and carrier, so just a little technique is needed, or a lift
The main group had spit to Cottonwood Trail, and had to do quite a bit of weedwhacken' :whip: and went to the campsite and cleaned that up as well. Straighten out some sitting areas and built a new fire pit. Should be a great camp spot.
As for Lockwood and Miller, they still seem to have that specialty of having a good mix of terrain, climbs...trees...top of the moutains....tight,tight switch backs....and of course you can't forget the Toyota that always seems to be either at the bottom of the squeeze/Sunset, or somewhere up Miller....
Yeah, some of guys had to tow out an abandon Toyota pickup...it was just a couple hundred feet before the main gate at Alamo Mtn. So they pulled it out of the trail put out of the way for now........
All in all it was a productive day and the best part were the people that got together for it.
Thanks again for the people responsible for making it a wonderful trip....
I only have a few, but please add if you have any....
Yellow Jackect Trail
Yellow Jackect Trail
I know, not the best collection of pictures, but I tried.... I have a video or two of the beginning of Yellow Jacket ( The first little obstacle) But, since I ride at the budget boost height, I had to concentrate on not hitting the wonderful rocks that were just the right height for my axles..:omg:
I will work on U/L'ing those later....But, I hope the I inspire Rick and the others who have pics to put them up....
As for the trails themselves, well...it seems to be in pretty darn good shape...Although the trees have not yet fully recovered from the fires, the grounds have started to bloom with flowers....and the hill sides are finally starting to show signs of recovery.
Joe, Rick, and I were part of small group designated to inspect the East side of Yellow Jacket....
The trail was hardly hit by the fires and still seems to be as beautiful as it has in the past. The First obstacle there is tricky for stock long wheelbasers. I only have a 2" budget but with a winch and carrier, so just a little technique is needed, or a lift
The main group had spit to Cottonwood Trail, and had to do quite a bit of weedwhacken' :whip: and went to the campsite and cleaned that up as well. Straighten out some sitting areas and built a new fire pit. Should be a great camp spot.
As for Lockwood and Miller, they still seem to have that specialty of having a good mix of terrain, climbs...trees...top of the moutains....tight,tight switch backs....and of course you can't forget the Toyota that always seems to be either at the bottom of the squeeze/Sunset, or somewhere up Miller....
Yeah, some of guys had to tow out an abandon Toyota pickup...it was just a couple hundred feet before the main gate at Alamo Mtn. So they pulled it out of the trail put out of the way for now........
All in all it was a productive day and the best part were the people that got together for it.
Thanks again for the people responsible for making it a wonderful trip....