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Last min afternoon run Fearless Follies


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  • #46
    Had a great time. I can't believe i made it through some of the areas with open diffs. Thanks to everyone that helped with impromto oil change at the bottom of crows nest. The flexsteel repair made it all the way home without leaking a drop. Thanks again, you guys are great and looking foward to the next one!!


    • #47
      Thanks everyone for another great run with a great group. TJ Clay glad to hear you made it home ok.
      Turned out to be a nice day in the Hi Desert. At the top of the first hill you could see how clean and clear everything looked after the rain.

      Dr. Dirty was behind me most of the time so I got a few pics of his rig.

      Coming off the hill Jess decided to concour a little rock in the middle of the trail. By the time I got my camera out he was on his way down the rock when I yelled "hold it". At that point he proceeded to back up the rock.

      Then it happened. Sorry Jess. If you didn't do it I would have.

      After a little rock piling we made our way to Snoopy's Gulch.

      After making it up about half way I finally got a chance to take some shots of the others.

      Russ powering up the Gulch.

      After we met with Rat we headed up to the Crow's Nest. What a veiw but it was COLD.

      After descending the Crow’s Nest we headed down to find that TJ Clay had an oil leak. After a quick repair and clean up it was time for the long drive home.

      Thanks again everyone.
      Check out .


      • #48
        Great pics everyone!

        How does Snoopy's Gulch compare to say, John Bull or Holcomb Creek? Just curious...
        '98 Black TJ [COLOR=Blue]Sport[/COLOR] 4.0L/Auto Trans

        My rig :


        • #49
          Wow..very cool pic,s looks like ya,ll had a great time thanks for all the pictures..Geeb..
          "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


          • #50
            first off, I want to say thanx for all the pics of me on the trail! usually There aren't so many pics taken of the Spirit...

            Thanx for everyone that showed up to the run! I thought the last minute sunday afternoon run would have a couple of Jeeps, not 11! The turnout was awesome!

            Snoop'y gultch is not really hard, I would say about the same as John Bull, in good weather, but I know we changed the trail and John Bull is different everytime I run it, so it's tough to compare.

            On the backside of Snoopy's gultch the trail does come out but it was'nt on the map and I didn't find any ribbons so I just winged it over to the other marked trails to get back to #10 and meet up with Rat Patrol. We noticed that there seemed to be some extra ribbons on the downhill side of Snoopy's exit, but we didn't see a trail, so we stayed right... would be interested in going back and trying out that side though.

            I wanted to apologize to TJ Clay for the rush job on the oil change, we will have a oil filter for you next time!
            :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


            • #51
              Wow everyone! This looks like a blast. Great photos and writeups. We'll have to make it out next time
              :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


              • #52
                Pics - part 1

                We had ten rigs for the run:
                Jesse (Kodiak Spirit) (red YJ, run leader)
                Clay (TJ Clay) (gray TJ)
                Chuck (dirtman13) (brown CJ)
                Scott (dr. dirty) (green JK)
                Mike (Malachi) (green TJ)
                Julie (Desert Jewel) (green TJ)
                Paul (Paul B) (white XJ)
                Doug (FishPoet) (black ZJ)
                Steve Coultas (white TJ)
                And myself (Russ Chung) (khaki TJ)

                Kurt (Rat Patrol) showed up later with some lame excuse about breaking his rig that morning over at Shredder Canyon. He ended up riding along with Julie (Desert Jewel).

                Malachi already gave a great trail report, so I’ll just show some pictures and videos of the run. This is Chuck’s (dirtman13) CJ followed by Scott’s (dr. dirty) JK.

                Doug’s (FishPoet) ZJ followed by Paul’s (Paul B) XJ:

                Views of El Mirage Lake from the trail:

                Desert Jewel and FishPoet:

                Jesse’s daughter, Tori (or is it Torrey?) enjoying the show:

                Jesse’s oops!:

                Tori and Jesse at the Crow’s Nest:

                Kodiak Spirit:

                Clay’s oops!:

                Desert Jewel decked out for the holidays:

                If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


                • #53
                  Snoopy's Gulch Videos - Part 2

                  Here are some videos taken on Snoopy’s Gulch. I apologize because I didn’t get any pictures of Kodiak Spirit, dirtman13 or dr. dirty on Snoopy’s Gulch, because they had already gone through before I was ready to take any videos:

                  Desert Jewel:


                  Mr. Green:


                  Steve Coulter gets a little help from dirtman13. It shows how much loose rock there is in Snoopy's Gulch:

                  Desert Jewel makes it look EASY:

                  Clay takes a different line:

                  Doug makes use of his rocker guards:

                  Watch out for Mr. Green!:

                  After spotting everyone else, Paul finds that he has to make it through without anyone spotting for him; but he doesn’t need no stinkin’ spotter:

                  If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!

