On very good authority, Gold Mountain's Rock Garden is planned for closure by October 2007. :omg: Just the Rock Garden is affected at this time (3N69A). If you are not sure where this is, here's a photo to help:

The 3N69A trail is planned to be changed when the Non-Motorized boundary is redrawn in September of this year. :shout: The GOOD NEWS is that you and I can actually do something about keeping it open!
The USFS is currently reviewing all of the designated routes in the SB Forest. Input from the people that drive the routes is needed. Enough voices asking for the 3N69A trail to remain open could make all the difference in the world.
The best part is that it is really EASY to have input. Just do what you love to do and then tell the USFS about it. That's right. Just drive the trail of your choice (I will be choosing 3N69A and the rest of Gold Mtn), take photos, and then send a very simple report with the photos to the USFS.
The details are at this website:
Go to the "How You Can Help" section and follow the links for the Guidelines and Form.
For those of you who just want the short version: Go to the map site (which is way cool!) and print the map quadrant that you are going to be driving in. The one for Gold Mtn (3N69) and the Rock Garden (3N69A) looks like this:
Drive the trail and take photos of the condition of the trail.
IMPORTANT: Sending in photos of how much your rig had to articulate to get through the trail will probably hurt more than help. Additionally, photos with your rig OFF the regular path, ramping things, on plants, etc are not a good thing either. Offensive stickers and apparel should be omitted. Remember: your audience may have never off-roaded before.
Then, fill out the form (on-line or hardcopy) attach the photos and send it in. EASY! :wink:
The form is very simple. It only asks for the Date of the Trail Review, Name of the Quadrant ("Big Bear City SW" for the Gold Mtn Trail), Route number (3N69A), Insert photos, Check the appropriate Absence/Presence Data, Your Name and phone number in case they have questions.
We should do this quick and easy report for EVERY trail that we drive between now and September 2007. It might just save your favorite trail without even knowing it! Plus you are helping the great folks that work very hard to provide us with a great place to play.
I am told that even more emphasis can be made for keeping the Gold Mtn Rock Garden open by attending the open houses for public comment. If you attend, it is recommended that you do not take your off-road rig to the meeting and dress appropriately.
Come on! This is easy and important if you want to keep the Gold Mtn Rock Garden open. We can take a few minutes to "Post" to the USFS before we Post to MJR about our treks. Otherwise, it is going to be really sad to see that big ole gate at each end of 3N69A! :sad:

The 3N69A trail is planned to be changed when the Non-Motorized boundary is redrawn in September of this year. :shout: The GOOD NEWS is that you and I can actually do something about keeping it open!
The USFS is currently reviewing all of the designated routes in the SB Forest. Input from the people that drive the routes is needed. Enough voices asking for the 3N69A trail to remain open could make all the difference in the world.
The best part is that it is really EASY to have input. Just do what you love to do and then tell the USFS about it. That's right. Just drive the trail of your choice (I will be choosing 3N69A and the rest of Gold Mtn), take photos, and then send a very simple report with the photos to the USFS.
The details are at this website:
Go to the "How You Can Help" section and follow the links for the Guidelines and Form.
For those of you who just want the short version: Go to the map site (which is way cool!) and print the map quadrant that you are going to be driving in. The one for Gold Mtn (3N69) and the Rock Garden (3N69A) looks like this:
Drive the trail and take photos of the condition of the trail.
IMPORTANT: Sending in photos of how much your rig had to articulate to get through the trail will probably hurt more than help. Additionally, photos with your rig OFF the regular path, ramping things, on plants, etc are not a good thing either. Offensive stickers and apparel should be omitted. Remember: your audience may have never off-roaded before.
Then, fill out the form (on-line or hardcopy) attach the photos and send it in. EASY! :wink:
The form is very simple. It only asks for the Date of the Trail Review, Name of the Quadrant ("Big Bear City SW" for the Gold Mtn Trail), Route number (3N69A), Insert photos, Check the appropriate Absence/Presence Data, Your Name and phone number in case they have questions.
We should do this quick and easy report for EVERY trail that we drive between now and September 2007. It might just save your favorite trail without even knowing it! Plus you are helping the great folks that work very hard to provide us with a great place to play.
I am told that even more emphasis can be made for keeping the Gold Mtn Rock Garden open by attending the open houses for public comment. If you attend, it is recommended that you do not take your off-road rig to the meeting and dress appropriately.
Come on! This is easy and important if you want to keep the Gold Mtn Rock Garden open. We can take a few minutes to "Post" to the USFS before we Post to MJR about our treks. Otherwise, it is going to be really sad to see that big ole gate at each end of 3N69A! :sad: