March 8, 2009
By Wayne Nosala
Mark Howlett
Contact Harry Baker
PFJV Chair
The Partnership for Johnson Valley urges users of Johnson Valley to email Senator Feinstein’s office with a personal message to keep the 189,000-acre multiple-use area as public land
Glendale, CA - The Partnership for Johnson Valley (PFJV) has recently become aware that United States Senator, Dianne Feinstein has been briefed that Johnson Valley sees little use from the public. The information, while ill-advised, supports the highly controversial marine base acquisition of the popular Johnson Valley. Unfortunately, the information given to Senator Feinstein’s office is unfounded and lacks specific stakeholder-use data that has already been disclosed to multiple public agencies including The San Bernardino County Supervisor Brad Mitzelfeld, the US Marine Corps and adjoining townships to Johnson Valley.
“A meeting has been scheduled with Feinstein’s staff on Tuesday, March 10th to discuss the multiple users of Johnson Valley as well as other issues,” says Harry Baker, Chair of the Partnership. The PFJV leadership team have traveled throughout California over the last twelve months advising agencies as well as stakeholder groups regarding the possible closure of the Johnson Valley desert land. The Partnership has documented there are over 750,000 annual usage days of Johnson Valley from diverse groups ranging from the film Industry, scouting organizations, equestrians, flying clubs and off highway organized sports groups.” Closure of Johnson Valley would be a significant loss for all of California as well as the nation, based on stakeholder usage data. This is especially noteworthy since the Marines can expand their training operations to the east of the existing base, public land that is mostly unused.
The Partnership is asking all users of Johnson Valley to email Senator Feinstein’s office a short personal message stating what specific affect a Marine takeover of Johnson Valley would have on you, your family, business, friends, or any other impact. Specifically, Visits days per year, How many in your group, and how much you contribute to the local economy
Please take a brief moment to visit Senator Feinstein’s email message center located here:
Simply complete the fields and leave a brief message. Senator Feinstein’s staff has informed the Partnership that they will not accept “letter generator” type emails. Please use the above link to leave a personal message. Alternatively, you can fax a letter to Senator Feinstein’s Los Angeles office at: 310-914-7318. The Partnership’s target deadline for this urgent action is Tuesday morning.
The Partnership is seeking donations, Please visit www.PFJV.org for details
About The Partnership for Johnson Valley:
The leadership of the Partnership For Johnson Valley has been cooperatively working with the military and the affected Stakeholders in an effort to explore alternatives to the proposed land expansion. The PFJV is a division of the 501(c)3 California Trail Users Coalition led by Harry Baker, Chairman with Mark Howlett as Executive Director, Wayne Nosala as Secretary and directors Ray Pessa and Helen Baker. The Mission of the Partnership is to unite the many people who enjoy the diverse activities available in the multiple-use open access area of Johnson Valley. The Partnership’s charter is to promote responsible recreation and the use of desert resources through conservation and education. The goal of the Partnership is to ensure public open-access to the area in the present, and to future generations who Live, Work, and Recreate in Johnson Valley. For more information and updates, please visit www.PFJV.org