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FOJV 8/13/08 Meeting Minutes


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  • FOJV 8/13/08 Meeting Minutes

    Friends of Johnson Valley
    5th Meeting. Monday, October 13, 2008

    Sizzler Restaurant
    1461 S. Rimpau Avenue
    Corona, CA 92879

    Meeting called to order, 7:00pm

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Jim Knox, Legal Status

    Jim reported that Friends of Johnson Valley is officially incorporated and explained that FOJV will need to elect a Board of Directors at the next meeting.. An application for 503(c)3 non-profit status is being worked on. Once that is completed FOJV can begin fund raising. Jim stated that Rick Rethoret (who was not in attendance) will be working on opening a bank account for the new Corporation.

    Dave Cole, Happenings since the last FOJV Meeting

    First, Dave passed around a copy of a letter written by San Bernardino First District Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt, addressed to James Peterson, Deputy State Director, in the office of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein. In the letter the Supervisor calls for a de-designation of less than wilderness quality areas in eastern San Bernardino County. This de-designation would, according to Mitzelfelt, "facilitate the expansion toward an area with little conflict with desert residents" and "save the BLM's largest public OHV area for continued use." The complete letter can be read online at

    Dave explained that there have been several meetings of the OHV leadership groups since the last FOJV meeting. The first was an OHV leadership meeting held September 12, 2008 in Bakersfield. Attendants of that meeting included: AMA D36, AMA D37, ASA, BRC, CA4WDC, CORVA, FOJV and ORBA . Dave explained that the goal of this meeting was to create unity amongst the OHV groups. He reported that the meeting resulted in unity and common ground and the assurance that we're not going to go behind each others backs again. All agreed that they do not want to loose Johnson Valley and would work towards that goal even if they have differing views on mitigation and the push for eastward expansion as alternatives.

    Another meeting was held October 13, just prior to the FOJV meeting. This meeting was attended by representatives of AMA, District 36 and District 37, AMA National, ASA, Cal 4 Wheel, CORVA, CTUC, FOGR, FOJV, High Desert Multiple Use Coalition (HDMUC), ORBA, PFJV, and San Diego Off Road Coalition (SDORC). Also in attendance were Daphne Greene* (Deputy Director of the OHMVR Division) and Gerry Hillier representing San Bernardino County. Dave reported that as a result of this meeting these many groups have changed from an OHV centric position to a Multiple Use position. The group completed and issued the following Strategy Statement. Dave added that the letter from this group does not preclude other groups or individuals from writing their own letters.
    We the undersigned strongly oppose the withdrawal of the Bureau of Land Management, Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Recreation Area by the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms.

    While we respect the need to train our troops, we believe the Marine Corps must clearly demonstrate a need for the expansion of the base. If such expansion is warranted then we support, in general, expansion in an eastward direction from the base.

    Eastward expansion presents the least conflict with multiple use of the public lands in the Johnson Valley area, and further, has the least impact on local communities and their residential and economic interests.

    We will participate actively in the continuing development of alternatives for the proposed expansion as necessary.

    American Motorcyclist Association, National

    American Motorcyclist Association, District 36

    American Motorcyclist Association, District 37 Competition

    American Motorcyclist Association, District 37 Dual Sport

    American Sand Association

    Blue Ribbon Coalition

    California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs

    California Off Road Vehicle Association

    California Trail Users Coalition

    Friends of Giant Rock

    Friends of Johnson Valley

    High Desert Multiple Use Coalition

    Off Road Business Association

    Partnership For Johnson Valley

    San Diego Off-Road Coalition

    Harry Baker from Partnership for Johnson Valley gave the group a review of a meeting held with Congressman Jerry Lewis regarding the Marine Corps expansion. The meeting included residents and OHV enthusiasts. Several representatives from the OHV leadership group met with the Congressman regarding the Marine Corps expansion. Harry showed the power point presentation, during which the Congressman asked many questions and displayed a sincere interest. Congressman Lewis explained that he was in favor of the Marine expansion, but would be willing to support the east expansion option, and would listen to what his constituents want. He suggested that the groups attempt to work with the various Congressmen that are on the Congressional sub committees that will eventually review the Marine expansion and make recommendations to the full Congress prior to a vote.

    Regarding the possibility of mitigation; Dave explained that while it is not what we want to do, it is in our best interest to be fully prepared should the issue come up at a later date. This will include having complete research already done on potential other areas that may be considered for mitigation. With this in mind, Dave and Jerry Grabow from District 37 took a light airplane tour of both the Soda and Cady Mountains which are nearby to Johnson Valley. Dave reported that the Cady Mountains are extremely remote, with no access and terrain that is not compatible with current OHV uses common in Johnson Valley, but that the Soda Mountains offer better terrain with both desert and rocks and deserve further investigation. Also, both the Soda and Cady Mountains are listed as possible future Wilderness areas under the California Wilderness Coalition (CWC) Proposal currently being considered by Senator Feinstein.

    Comment: We need to make known to Congress the difficulty of obtaining new areas for OHV use.
    Dave: This is where the mitigation option can be used to help place a dollar value on the Johnson Valley area. For example, if the Marines take over Johnson Valley we ask that it is replaced with other land at a cost of $$$.

    Question: Is there a plan to place a value on Johnson Valley?
    Dave: People have already begun work on establishing an economic value for Johnson Valley. What we need to work on now is the personal value of Johnson Valley.
    [side note: Kim Carpenter, a member of AMA/District 37 is compiling information from users of Johnson Valley and their economic impact in the area. Please see her post on Pirate at or email her at ]
    Friends of Johnson Valley

  • #2
    Comment Periods and Letter Writing

    On September 15, 2008 the BLM initiated the processes related to the Segregation Notice. The Segregation Notice is basically the Marine Corps telling the BLM that they have an interest in approximately 420,000 acres of land for possible expansion. The BLM will then no longer allow any new uses of the land in the application. Current activities including OHV and other uses are not interrupted during this process.

    The BLM and the Marine Corps will host public meetings in Twentynine Palms and in Victorville in October to help the public understand the legislative withdrawal process. The meetings will be designed to educate the public on the segregation (which is the current status of the study lands)
    and to provide information on the process and how it is used. The schedule is as follows.
    October 23rd
    Twentynine Palms Junior High School
    5798 Utah Trail
    Twentynine Palms, CA 92277

    October 24th
    1:00-4:00pm and 6:00-9:00pm
    Hilton Garden Inn Victorville
    12603 Mariposa Road, Victorville, California, USA 92395

    December 15, 2008 is the deadline for public comments on the Segregation. At this time the BLM could decide to stop the segregation and not allow the Marine Corps to continue, but this is not realistically going to happen. Individuals and groups MUST send a letter during this scoping period to establish a standing in the process. If you do not send a letter establishing an interest you will not be allowed to be involved later in the process.

    Letters regarding the Segregation must be sent to:
    Roxie Trost
    Field Manager, Barstow Field Office
    2601 Barstow Road
    Barstow, California 92311
    Beginning approximately October 30, 2008, and extending until approximately January 30, 2009 the Marine Corps is expected to open a SEPERATE comment period as part of their NEPA process and draft Environmental Impact Study. Letters must also be sent to the Marine Corps during this comment period requesting that specific things be included as part of the draft EIS. Again, individuals and groups MUST submit comments during this period in order to have a standing later on in the process.

    When writing letters remember that a hand written letter is the most effective. Also have your kids write their own letters, even little kids can draw crayon pictures of what Johnson Valley means to them. Include copies of photos of you and your family enjoying recreational activities in the area.

    Some talking points for letters.
    The economic impact on local businesses, and on OHV and related industries.
    Impacts on local residents including real estate values
    Environmental impacts including increased use of the nearby San Bernardino National Forrest and potential increases in illegal riding in the neighboring desert communities.
    Socio-economic impacts including the loss of the value of family recreation opportunities, not just OHV recreation, but also other stake holders including rock hounds, remote control aircraft users, and many others.
    The intrinsic value of the area including the diverse nature of the terrain, the historical significance of the area, the history of off road racing and exploration of the Hammers trails. Johnson Valley is the largest open space in the Nation and is shown as an intensive use area. Johnson Valley OHV area is a BLM managed facility that has in the past received grants from the State Green Sticker registration funds.
    Consider the possibility of codification of OHV land in order to protect OHV recreation opportunities for future generations. [codification is the process where the United States Congress passes a code or statute which legally and permanently establishes the status of public lands. This same process is used to establish Wilderness areas and will be used to add lands to the Marine Corps base.]

    In the near future the letter generator will be set up to send letters regarding the Marine Corps expansion. The above issues will be incorporated into a form type letter that can be sent by users of the site who do not feel that they can write their own personal letter. Letters will be sent to the BLM and to the Marine Corps as required by the scoping period process and will also be copied to:
    Mike Pool, California BLM Director
    Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor
    Dirk Kempthorne, Secretary of the Interior
    and to each persons US Representative

    Individuals sending personal hand written letters are encouraged to send copies of their letter to everyone on the above list as well. You can find out who your Representative is by using

    Public Awareness:

    Jen prepared a nice informational flier for distribution to the public to bring awareness to our cause. Volunteers handed out the fliers at the recent Sand Sports Show, Off Road Expo, ProRock rock crawling competition, and at the Morongo Valley Search and Rescue event. There is a cleanup event the weekend of October 18-19 that will also be attended.

    We will continue to update the flier with the latest information and look for opportunities to distribute them at OHV related and other events.

    Meeting adjourned approximately 8:30pm.

    Meeting Minutes prepared by:
    Donald Gerber
    Last edited by EarlKann; 10-20-08, 10:38 PM.
    Friends of Johnson Valley

