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SAVE THE HAMMERS! First Meeting of Friends ofJohnson Valley May 21st @ 7 PM!

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  • SAVE THE HAMMERS! First Meeting of Friends ofJohnson Valley May 21st @ 7 PM!

    I received this email and I thought I would repost it here:

    SAVE THE HAMMERS! First Meeting of Friends of Johnson Valley TONIGHT @ 7 PM!
    More information can be found here:

    Graziano's Pizza Restaurant
    1080 E Washington St.
    Colton, CA 92324
    (909) 824-2770

    From the North, take the Washington Street exit off the Southbound 215 freeway and turn left at the light.

    From the South, take the Washington Street exit and make two left turns over the freeway.

    Graziano's is located on the left between McDonald's and Del Taco.

    Thanks everyone, hope to see you at the meeting!

    -Chris Conway
    TTORA SoCal President
    Off road adventure photography:

    TreadLightly Trainer
    Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
    HAM - KI6PFO

    2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer

  • #2
    Oh no, too last minute for me. Hope some people can make it. Let us know how it goes!
    :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


    • #3
      CRAP! Way too late for me! Please post up what happens/what was discussed. Thanks.
      [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
      [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...[/CENTER]


      • #4
        I went to this meeting tonight. It was amazing!! For the first meeting there were over 35 people in attendance from all over SoCal. Dave Cole lead the meeting and did an awesome job. Basically, they went over the expansion proposal and discussed how Friends of Johnson Valley can help to show the Marines that this land is used by many different people, not just off-roaders. They are going to get some flyers together to pass out at the Forest Fest and try to get a booth together to get more people involved. They are going to get a website going specifically for saving Johnson Valley. The next meeting will be June 25th, time and place to be announced later. At the next meeting we will be discussing how to canvas and get more people involved, i.e., local business, dirt bikers, home owners, balloonists, etc.

        Harry was there from CA4WDC and spoke about a couple of the meetings he has been to with the Marines and says they didn't realize how popular JV was to the community and are trying to work with us. He said they were able to get them to push back the date to "freeze" the area. So, that's some good news.

        One thing they did mention involves the VV4W's. Our Fun In The Desert event is the next big event planned in JV. They want to get some of the Marines involved in our event to show them what we do and why we want this land saved. Of course, they will help organize in getting the Marines to come out, but we'll need to get them passenger seats on the runs. They also want to work toward getting big coverage out to our event. This is an awesome opportunity for us to get word of the event out, plus to get word out about saving Johnson Valley!!

        Hope to see you at the June 25th meeting!


        • #5
          Another thing Harry (CA4WDC) did mention was that it might be in our better interest to not fight the Windmill deal. Reasoning was that if the windmills come in, they will also fight to keep the Marines out and the windmills will not be taking over the OHV areas.


          • #6

            One thing I got out the last wind mill meeting in Apple Valley is that the BLM seemed pretty adament that off-roading would not be kept out of wind mill areas. That was great news for me.

            Speaking of that, Sarah, they are now going to hold a public meeting in Lucerne Valley! I guess me bringing it up and answering their objections to the meeting must have helped!
            SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
            MJR moderator
            MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
            Jeep Patrol Leader
            Reforestation Supervisor
            Licensed Ham - n6ujm
            Eagle Scout


            • #7
              Although we will not be "locked out" of the windmill areas, the whole point of wheeling out there is to enjoy the peaceful and tranquil environment. Watch for wildlife, including birds. Watch the sun set, without towers in the way. Stargaze, without red blinking lights blocking the horizon. Gigantic windmills making a bunch of noise and rumbling the ground is not something I seek out to enjoy on a day off. Plus, their service roads are going to be just a bunch of easy roads that a car can probably get by on - kinda boring!

              Please post the public meeting info in the windmill thread, and I will try to attend!
              :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


              • #8
                Originally posted by Desert Jewel View Post
                He said they were able to get them to push back the date to "freeze" the area. So, that's some good news.
                That's probably the single best key Action Item at this point. If they hadn't been able to push the freeze out to a later date and it got implemented now, that would pretty much pave the road for the USMC to annex any portion they desire in the OHV.

                Getting the date moved means someone is being very effective in representing our interests with the BLM and the military. Awesome news.
                I am Savvy.

