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Marine Corps Base plans to aquire JV

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  • #31
    my outlook works great.
    i'd be in big trouble without it
    lets make sure there is a big presence on pirate for this meeting.
    click my sig for a direct link.

    95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


    • #32

      [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
      [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...[/CENTER]


      • #33
        Originally posted by rat patrol View Post

        [COLOR=red]THANK YOU ALL...[/COLOR]

        To post a comment on the Hammer closure rally, do I have to join or sign up on that Pirate site?
        SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
        MJR moderator
        MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
        Jeep Patrol Leader
        Reforestation Supervisor
        Licensed Ham - n6ujm
        Eagle Scout


        • #34
          i'm sure you do...
          it is an internet forum.

          95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


          • #35
            Letter from Del Albright

            Although some of this is repetitive there is some new info and resources have been streamlined.
            Best, Max7

            SAVE THE HAMMERS


            Welcome to, your one stop spot to get involved to keep Johnson Valley and Stoddard Valley (Johnson Valley is mostly known for the famous "Hammers") open to motorized recreation.
            First Meeting of Friends of Johnson Valley May 21st.
            Sorry for the delay.

            I tried to pick a spot somewhat central to SoCal. I settled on Graziano's Pizza in Colton, CA at 7:00 PM on Wednesday 5/21.

            If you don't like the spot, show up and you can pick the next spot

            I will be posting up topics in the next few days... but they will include the next meeting with the Marines and a growing working relationship with the BLM.

            You can reach me (Dave Cole) here or on my cell

            714 615 8507

            Cal4 (CA4WDC) Press Release about meetings with the Marines (pdf)

            Bottom line: the Marines want to expand their training areas and military holdings to include those lands we hold dear to motorized recreation. We SUPPORT THE MILITARY and will help them find SOME PLACE ELSE to use for training our troops -- but not at the Hammers!
            Sign up for our Mailing List for Saving the Hammers!!!

            and please SIGN OUR PETITION (over 2000 signatures as of 4/15/08):


            Dave Cole, noted Tin Bender and comp racer/user of the Hammers has volunteered to help lead this charge and keep us all on track. Please support Dave in this effort. Get on board by visiting the Johnson Valley forum on (bulletin board).


            For immediate release
            March 17, 2008

            As we know, Johnson and Stoddard Valleys are among our premier
            racing and desert Off Highway Vehicle recreation destinations.

            It is common knowledge our open areas are currently under a
            serious threat by military encroachment and renewable energy
            interests. Until recently we were under the impression that our
            open riding areas were safe from the threats of land grabs and closures.

            There is no time like the present to unite and take a stand
            against these threats.

            It looks like a go for Thursday night, March 20, 2008 at the Holiday Inn 7pm
            for the first official meeting of “Friends of Stoddard Valley”

            We are seeking pubic involvement with this new venture
            regarding issues at Stoddard Valley and Johnson Valley

            Check out the following
            Dave Cheney and his crew drummed up an impressive list of supporters

            So far we have confirmed leadership or representation from the following groups

            Friends of Jawbone
            District 37
            Friends of Giant Rock

            BlueRibbon Coalition

            CA4WDC. Inc.

            And here's the Press Release about the virtual online rally to support our efforts to Save the Hammers.

            Contact: Kurt Schneider
            Tel. 925-596-0432

            El Dorado County: March 14th, 2008

            First-ever Virtual Rally drew support and earnest testimonials from over 1,500 people

            On Wednesday, March 12, the world-wide off-highway community joined in a first-ever "Virtual Rally" to show opposition to a proposed expansion of the U.S. Marine Corps Twenty Nine Palms military training base.

            The proposed expansion has worried recreationists that they will lose access to a prized section of barren desert rock known as an Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Mecca for its rock-crawling, rock-racing, and desert-racing opportunities. In a massive display of well-organized opposition, grassroots recreationists organized a "Virtual Rally" in less than a week, to draw attention to the potential loss of a prized recreation destination. Though the focus of the "Virtual Rally" was from OHV users, the varied postings and testimonials proved that Johnson Valley is also a popular location for ATV and MX enthusiasts, Rally racers, rock-hounds, hikers, and campers.

            During the 4-hour Virtual Rally, almost 1,500 participants voiced their opinion while over 27,000 views were registered. In the first hour of the rally, traffic on the website was so heavy that many rally participants could not log onto the website to voice their concerns.

            Rally-goers included many people from out of state and overseas, even concerned recreationists from as far away as Australia. Also voicing concern were people from a broad range of motor-sports and hobbies including 4x4s; motorcycle, motocross, and trials; ATVs and quads; sand-buggies; rally cars; hikers; campers; rock-hounds; and RV-ers. Many rally-goers had never been to Johnson Valley, but expressed their plans and dreams of one day being able to visit the Hammers and described how the area was so important to their sports and recreation.

            Rally attendees not only posted their opposition to the proposed expansion, but included pictures and stories of their many different ways of responsible recreation in Johnson Valley with families and friends. Many rally participants showed strong, patriotic support for the armed forces, yet pleaded to the Marine Corps not to take away a “Mecca” for the OHV community. Offers were also extended to the Marine Corps to work together with the OHV community to find land that would not impact such a uniquely vibrant, vital center of OHV use.

            Many rally participants have become so fed up with the loss so many OHV areas across the United States, that this current proposal to close such an important area to them has them motivated more than ever to fight for it. Kevin Carey, a member of the Pirates of the Rubicon 4x4 club stated, “This is our first event addressing this issue, but it’s definitely not the last. We will be talking with politicians, the OHV community and many government agencies in order to keep our public lands open to the public.”

            One rally post put it in perspective for people outside their sport, “For us to lose such an important area as the Hammers to our sport would be like Baseball losing Wrigley field or Golf losing Augusta.”

            To view the Virtual Rally responses, please visit

            # # #

            If you would like more information on this topic, or to schedule an interview with Kurt Schneider, Please call 925-596-0432 or e-mail Kurt at

            And here is a Press Release about the Town Hall Meeting with Duncan Hunter
            March 24th, 2008 photo Subscribe in a reader

            * Don Amador, BRC Western Representative
            o Phone: (925) 625-6287
            o Fax: (925) 625-5309
            o Email:
            o Webpage:

            . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
            Release Photo
            Members of San Diego Adventure Riders Attend OHV town hall Meeting
            Click image to enlarge.

            SAN DIEGO, CA (March 24) — Loss of off-highway vehicle access to popular federal recreation sites in Southern California was the main theme at a town hall meeting hosted by Congressman Duncan Hunter at Cuyamaca College on the outskirts of San Diego. Mike Pool, the director for the California Office of the Bureau of Land Management, also shared the podium at the March 22 meeting.

            Over 200 off-roaders attended the event and many expressed concerns about the various competing interests that are impacting recreational opportunities in the California Desert region. The proposed expansion of the Marine Corps base into the Johnson Valley OHV Area, renewable energy construction projects, the endless parade of eco-lawsuits filed by anti-access groups against federal land agencies, and new Wilderness plans were the main points of contention.

            Don Amador, Western Representative for the BlueRibbon Coalition, states, "I think this meeting was a true 'grassroots' success. It was not just representatives from organized groups that spoke, but many individuals took time out of the holiday weekend to make their voices heard."

            "Both Congressman Hunter and Director Pool assured the crowd that the military was now acutely aware that Johnson Valley is an internationally recognized and world-class OHV recreation area. Hunter also made a promise to the group that he would meet with the Marine Corps in the next two weeks to discuss this issue and see if a solution can be found," Amador said.

            "The event hosts urged OHVers to stay engaged in the political and land-use planning processes. The group was also reminded about shrinking federal recreation budgets and that supporting trail volunteer efforts and user-fee programs at selected sites will be key factors in the public land-use equation," Amador concludes.

            # # #

            The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that champions responsible use of public and private lands, and encourages individual environmental stewardship. It represents over 10,000 individual members and 1,200 organization and business members, for a combined total of over 600,000 recreationists nationwide. 1-800-258-3742.

            for more info on how to help Save the Hammers, email Del Albright,


            Or visit any of these sites:

            Friends of Stoddard Valley:

            Friends of Johnson Valley:

            Friends of Giant Rock:

            BlueRibbon Coalition:

            Calif. Assoc. of 4Wheel Drive Clubs:

            Tin Benders:

            Muirnet (John Stewart):

   Land Use Forum: bulletin boards

            For more on land use and access, or how to get involved in general, visit
            "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


            • #36

              Johnson Valley is so much more than just racing & rock crawling. The Cultural, historical, geological, and biological signifigance will be lost also. If the Marines only see the racing aspect of it, that will not be a good enough reason for them to look elsewhere. Just my humble opinion...

              Oh and thanks for your great posts on the subject!
              SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
              MJR moderator
              MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
              Jeep Patrol Leader
              Reforestation Supervisor
              Licensed Ham - n6ujm
              Eagle Scout


              • #37
                Originally posted by Roger View Post

                Johnson Valley is so much more than just racing & rock crawling. The Cultural, historical, geological, and biological signifigance will be lost also. If the Marines only see the racing aspect of it, that will not be a good enough reason for them to look elsewhere. Just my humble opinion...

                Oh and thanks for your great posts on the subject!
                I agree Roger.
                Best, Max7
                "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                • #38
                  "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin

