1N01 Pipes Canyon
Length: 9 miles
Maintenance Level 2: Assigned to roads open for use by high-clearance vehicles. Appropriate management strategies are to discourage passenger cars while encouraging high-clearance vehicles.
1N01 is open to street legal vehicles, mechanized vehicles (bicycles), equestrian travel and foot travel. Motorized vehicles yield to all other users.
Trail Rating: Blue Square More Difficult
Elevation: 6150’ to 8800’
Adopted by: Freelander's 4x4 Club
Entrance on Hwy 38 at 11S 525881E 3783509N
UTM coordinates acquired using Google Earth (WGS84 datum)
It is always a good idea to call the ranger station before heading in to the forest and get a current conditions report. Big Bear Ranger Station & Discovery Center (909) 382-2790
Locked gate at forest boundry

SBNF Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM)
SBNF Google Earth file