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The gpx was to large so I uploaded file as gdb. This is for Rattlesnake Canyon to 2N02 to 2N61Y Heartbreak Ridge up through Pontiac Sluice back to 2N61Y to 2N02 in to Big Bear.
I can't open the file. Is it just my computer? And you know my other question....just post them!
the file is gdb which is a Garmin file so you will need a program like Map Source to open it. I will load the gpx tonight when I get home which will work in most other programs.
How can you be "Lost Jeeps" with that kind of detail? Good job.
Being a LOST JEEPER is a state of mind, not a condition..... LOL! I LOSE myself in my Jeep when wheeling. Nothing else matters and all my worries fade away. There is nothing better then going out and getting LOST in your Jeep w/ like minded individuals that are just looking to escape from the "real" world for a while. So, Lets go get LOST!