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Honor the men and women in the service


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  • Honor the men and women in the service

    I heard this song the other day when I was driving to work. Just hearing the lyrics really touched me. And it's so unbelievable, but yet, it's unfortunatly true.

    I honor Greg and his brother, along with everyone who served or are still serving wether or not they have been to Iraq. As much as I see how many people shake Greg's hand or even give him a hug for serving OUR country to keep us FREE, it's sad to know that there are people out there who don't appreciate the men and women who are in the service to protect us and our country:sad:.

    Chely Write - On The Bumper of my SUV
    *this is a video and she tells a story behind the song in the begining*

    Hearing this song made me cry just cuz it does hurt to know that there are people who just don't appreciate them.

  • #2
    Thank you atamata. That is a good song...i believe that came out my first tour to iraq. The lady that sings that actually grew up right down the road from me.
    Just trying to get to Cali!


    • #3
      AMEN! God bless all the troops!
      [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
      [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...[/CENTER]


      • #4
        I may be agnostic, so the term "God Bless" isn't really something I would say. But whoever is in that big sky of ours, I'd like to ask to keep the troops safe.
        I'd also like to extend my thanks and encouragement to those who serve, and have served.
        In the immortal words of MJR, YOU ROCK!!
        WTF Mate?

        Confucious Say: He who stand on high on pot.

        (HllllllllH) vroom VROOM

