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Baja 500


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  • Baja 500

    Hey all. I've been rather absent is busy. I did manage to sneak out of the country last weekend to play pit chief for the Von Dutch FJ Cruiser. It was a busy weekend...a last minute class change (class 3 to class 7) provided us with the opportunity to spend Thursday afternoon doing suspension work on the beach in Punta Estrella, where 4WD toyota owner magazine rented us a beach house. After tech on Friday, we had more work to do, but we had things wrapped up by midnight. A visit from one of the drivers friends from South Africa interrupted us for a bit, but it was a great entry (he was riding a moto in the race, and literally dropped in on us to say hi).

    Saturday morning started with a wake up call at 4:30am. A quick cup of coffee and the pit crews for pits 1 and 2 headed out for Valle de la Trinidad. Pit crew #3 headed out a few hours later. Major delays at Ojos Negros, but finally got to pit #1 before the Trophy Trucks came through. Hours later, we finally make contact with our class 7 truck, which is limping towards us with suspected bent knuckle. Upon arrival, we confirm the damage, and one of the drivers heads off to find a new one. 20 minutes later, he comes back with a 2007 toyota tacoma owned by one of the other race teams. They give us the knuckle off of their truck, we give them the bent one off of ours, and we send the FJ on its way right at 8:00pm.

    At 3:00am, the FJ limps into pit #2 with another bent knuckle and 2 collapsed springs (both front coil overs). So we call off our attempt as there are no repair parts available, and no time to install them and still get the truck to the finish line by 8:00am (20 hours after they started). I drove the race truck back to Punta Estrella via mex 3...and gotta say, that is a damn scary ride after being up for 24 hours and having a destroyed front suspension in a truck that you have never driven before. And talk about blind spots! Holy crap! That whole truck is a blind spot!

    Upon arrival at the beach house, we turn it all over to the guys who are staying in Mexico for another day, and the crew from pit #1 showers, eats, and heads north for the border. A 2 1/2 hour wait at Tecate finally gets us back on American soil, and 8 hours later (stopping for food, gas, and plenty of leg stretching), I finally arrive in tucson about 9:30pm--41 hours after I woke up.

    It was a great weekend, despite the problems. The eye candy running around was incredible...and every person I met was just as incredible. No one was in a bad mood, everyone was willing to help out anyone, and life was just plain good.

    Anyway, 'nuff are a few pics I managed to get between the wrench sessions on the truck....

    A few more are here
    olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!

    Price is soon forgotton, quality is not.


  • #2
    Thats a sweet story! too bad you guys didnt get to finish. What a life... id love to do that someday. Seems like someone needs to make some HD knuckles for that thing!
    |90 XJ|4.0|AX-15|NP231|RE H&T|TnT Y-Link|RE Coils|BOR Leaves|ACOS|D30/Aussie|8.8/ARB|35" Kevlar MTRs|Custom Exo,Sliders,Bumpers|

    !!! !!!


    • #3
      Great write up! I'm jealous!!!

      Maybe next year.




      • #4
        Total Chaos makes some brackets that reinforce the knuckles. In fact, they make a entire long travel suspension system for the FJ was installed on this truck along with some triple bypass shocks...but it increases the track width to much for the truck to run in class 3 (our original intent). So we would have been bumped to a more competitive which we could not be competitive....or we could put the stock suspension back on and run in class 7 where we at least stood a chance...that is what we did. We could have used the TC knuckle braces in class 7, but since the knuckles are cast, we didn't have the capability to weld them on once we were down in Baja. It should have been done before heading south. This was the first race for this team, and there were a ton of lessons learned...

        We are looking at options for next year. It was a big let down to the pit crew that put it back together the first time. It was really a let down for the 2nd driver and navigator, neither of them got to race at all. Next year will be better. We have some plans in place to get us to the finish line next time.
        olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!

        Price is soon forgotton, quality is not.



        • #5
          FYI, jeeps are cooler than broken class 7 FJ' if you didn't know.

          This was about 3:00am--23 hours into a 43 hour day. We had just agreed to call off our efforts. Chris Marzoni on the left (good friend and co-driver/navigator for Scott Brady), me on the right (who else would wear a MJR hoodie while pitting for a toyota?????)
          olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!

          Price is soon forgotton, quality is not.



          • #6
            Classic photo. Looks like a lot of fun.
            97 TJ Buffed Out

            LETS ROCK!
            WEB site


            • #7
              Wow dude! What an awesome opportunity! We just watched "Dust to Glory," then I see this thread!!!!

              :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:

