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i can beat that 14 people in a vw golf. were hardcore like that. when thers only one car, and its minus 40 up here, we go all the way, and the cops understand. there was 2 people driving at once..both were probably a few beers in...lol canada rules!
But with the conversion, those 14 Canadians are equal to only 8-9 Americans...maybe 10 at the most.
-Bob '98 Black TJ [COLOR=Blue]Sport[/COLOR] 4.0L/Auto Trans
what you call beer, i call the piss i take the morning after a hard night of drinking real beer...
What was so hard about your night? Was it physically demanding? lol (I dont know why but i hate it when people say "a hard night of drinking" like it took every ounce of strenght to drink. LOL)
anyways, I'd take a case of Pacifico over any canadian crap anyday...
well, all I know is I get drunker than you, I have to spend more money for all the beer that it takes to do so, I have to work really hard to drink all that beer, it takes me longer to do it, and The beer I drink is the best in the world!
:gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:
well, all I know is I get drunker than you, I have to spend more money for all the beer that it takes to do so, I have to work really hard to drink all that beer, it takes me longer to do it, and The beer I drink is the best in the world!
Nu-uhhh.... my dad can beat up your dad... :whip:
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?