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Originally posted by qwiksilver You too huh? Apple IIe in the base library at Ft. Wainwright, AK ...
Yea, well, I first used one when the school I was attending got a few of them (first computers in that school). I won't tell you what grade I was in....I wouldn't want to make anyone feel older than they already do ....
olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!
the first computer i played with was a timex! you stored the info that you typed onto a casette tape. you would have to type like 10,000 characters to see some dorky half assed cartoon character, and the casette would usually not store the info correctly .
My first computer was an Atari 400 XL...we had a cassette drive first, then DUAL floppies. (YAY!!) Man was it ever slow. We played games, had spreadsheets and a word processor on it. If you wanted to save anything, it had to be to the external drive, there was NO internal memory. I think it had 64 mg ram...hheheheheh. The monitor was our old black and white tv. And we had a dot matrix printer too... There were no graphics, and we bought a book of programs, where you typed in your program, line by line, in basic.
OK... I win...Im oldest.
(Tell me why I even bothered responding to this post???)
My first computer was an Atari 400 XL...we had a cassette drive first, then DUAL floppies. (YAY!!) Man was it ever slow. We played games, had spreadsheets and a word processor on it. If you wanted to save anything, it had to be to the external drive, there was NO internal memory. I think it had 64 mg ram...hheheheheh. Then monitor was our old black and white tv. And we had a dot matrix printer too... There were no graphics, and we bought a book of programs, where you typed in your program, line by line, in basic.
OK... I win...Im oldest.
(Tell me why I even bothered responding to this post???)
Remember when there was no internet and if you had a boyfriend you clogged up the phone line for hours because there was no call waiting? Remember the sound of a "busy" signal?
I remember when the people who lived over the hill from us were a long distance call and our only phone was a rotary in the kitchen with an extended cord.
You wanna have fun with a 7 year old? Hand 'em a rotary phone and tell them to call grandma. One of the best laughs you can have.
Face it Tams, we're not older...we're wiser and better insured.
no hard drive, dual 8.5" floppy drives , 2.5 MB RAM (yes, that's two POINT five!) , dot matrix printer, built-in monitor & keyboard, weighed about 150 lbs. the only thing it got used for was some piddly BASIC programming and playing ASCII space invaders
Originally posted by cbremer my first computer... IBM 5120
no hard drive, dual 8.5" floppy drives , 2.5 MB RAM (yes, that's two POINT five!) , dot matrix printer, built-in monitor & keyboard, weighed about 150 lbs. the only thing it got used for was some piddly BASIC programming and playing ASCII space invaders
Oh dear...there was a title company in Torrance that had one. Tiny screen and the wordprocessing software was so limited that the typewriter was a better bet. Glad that was only a temp job.
My first laptop: Toshiba T3100. It was a 286, but I wouldn't put it on my lap...the thing weighed a ton...more than my current iMac Flatscreen.
Originally posted by qwiksilver Remember when there was no internet and if you had a boyfriend you clogged up the phone line for hours because there was no call waiting? Remember the sound of a "busy" signal?
I remember when the people who lived over the hill from us were a long distance call and our only phone was a rotary in the kitchen with an extended cord.
You wanna have fun with a 7 year old? Hand 'em a rotary phone and tell them to call grandma. One of the best laughs you can have.
Face it Tams, we're not older...we're wiser and better insured.
Boyfriend clogging up the phone lines! Ha, I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was 18 and then it wasn't the boyfriends I was on the phone with it was my best gal pals! My first computer was a Tandy from Radio Shack!
Being old isn't the computer, it's how you make yourself feel I only feel old when the kids I babysat are graduating from High School!
1993 Wrangler Black, 4" ProComp Lift, 33s.
Glad to be back in California!
You use actual english words online instead of abbreviations and acronyms.
You find yourself asking advice of an experienced peer online, only to find that you graduated high school before they were even born.
You finally fall into the age group where the dreaded prostate check is "recommended"
You're aware that when the doctor talks about the aformentioned check, digital does NOT refer to an electronic device
Please continue...
It's not the size of your tire, it's how you place it!
Originally posted by king4wd You know you're old when...
You use actual english words online instead of abbreviations and acronyms.
You find yourself asking advice of an experienced peer online, only to find that you graduated high school before they were even born.
You finally fall into the age group where the dreaded prostate check is "recommended"
You're aware that when the doctor talks about the aformentioned check, digital does NOT refer to an electronic device
Please continue...
You are watching commercial for burial insurance on cable TV and realize you fall in the qualifying age range.
Originally posted by PRegner I guess I'm a "Geezer" in the eyes of anyone still in high school. I think they seem to forget that the internet was cooked-up by the minds of my generation, not theirs; yet, they seem to think it belongs to them instead of being for everybody's use.
Kids...you can't live with them, and you can't drive them out into the wilderness and leave them for dead...
geezer? noo i wouldnt call you a geezer and im still in high school. Its funny you say kids own the internet, thats the number one thing i hear kids complaining about that their parents took away their internet, like they have the right to it. Im under 18 i dont have the right to anything...funny how thingswork aint it....
87 XJ 3" lift, 31s-thats all thats worth mentioning
Originally posted by JeepJunkie geezer? noo i wouldnt call you a geezer and im still in high school. Its funny you say kids own the internet, thats the number one thing i hear kids complaining about that their parents took away their internet, like they have the right to it. Im under 18 i dont have the right to anything...funny how thingswork aint it....
Thank you for restoring my faith in younger generations!