When I bought my Jeep the dealership told me an independant movie production company used it in their movie. I got a good deal because they had scratched the paint mounting the cameras on the hood. Well the movie is finally out, at least overseas. Hopefully I can find it over here soon. It was supposed to be called "lost in Plainview" but they just changed it to "Moving too Fast". The link is a small movie trailer on a movie web page. http://www.artistviewent.com/thrille...vintoofast.wmv It only shows the Jeep for a couple seconds on the trailer. Hopefully it it used in the movie a little more and not just the one scene. From what I can see from the trailer they filmed part of the movie in Randsburg about 30miles from my house. If you pause it just right you can see the front of the general store in town.Here is the DVD cover with my Jeep on the back cover.
