Just thought Id share...
Long story short, the motor was on and i was on my lunch brake, I remembered the engine bay looked pretty nasty so I decided to clean it, the corner of the rag got caught in the belt and took my hand with it, and the end result, as you can see, is what happens when your fingers go in between the belt and the power steering pulley of a straight 6 4.0L Jeep Motor. (Happened August 1st)
and yes i know your NEVER supposed to work on the car with the engine on. Thanks. haha
Shattered the middle finger into six pieces, got 15 stiches, 2 hours of surgery, and broke the ring finger right at the knuckle. It happened at about noonish and I didnt get home till 3 in the morning. That day sucked.

And Now:
Its a little smaller looking, but should fill in a bit and the nail and everything is supposed to grow back to normal. Lets Hope. Oh and the black is from these little silver nitrate sticks (i think they were called) they just dye crap that color. It looks gross.

Thanks for taking a look hope it wasent too nasty...
Long story short, the motor was on and i was on my lunch brake, I remembered the engine bay looked pretty nasty so I decided to clean it, the corner of the rag got caught in the belt and took my hand with it, and the end result, as you can see, is what happens when your fingers go in between the belt and the power steering pulley of a straight 6 4.0L Jeep Motor. (Happened August 1st)
and yes i know your NEVER supposed to work on the car with the engine on. Thanks. haha
Shattered the middle finger into six pieces, got 15 stiches, 2 hours of surgery, and broke the ring finger right at the knuckle. It happened at about noonish and I didnt get home till 3 in the morning. That day sucked.

And Now:
Its a little smaller looking, but should fill in a bit and the nail and everything is supposed to grow back to normal. Lets Hope. Oh and the black is from these little silver nitrate sticks (i think they were called) they just dye crap that color. It looks gross.

Thanks for taking a look hope it wasent too nasty...