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Dogs On The Trail


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  • Dogs On The Trail

    I'd like to hear from some of you guys who take their dogs out wheelin' with them. I'd love to take mine with me but I'm afraid it'll beat him up too much. How do you do it? Do you harness your mut in? What do you do to make them comfrotable? I'd love to hear your dog tips.

  • #2
    What kinda dog?

    Our Jack Russell won't let us start the jeep without her in it. She's small enough to fit on the floor and stick her head out the doorless opening. I usually hold on to her leash or tie it to the grab bar. We were worried about her 3-day trip on the Rubicon this year and her getting worn out, so we got some doggie power bones, and she didn't miss a beat.

    :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


    • #3
      For the love of your friend make sure to harness them in. My former jeep dog sat in the back buckled in where the rear seatbelts are. Then I just laid a sleeping bag for her to lay on. Keep them on a leash!!! Or you will watch even the best trained dog chase after a rabbit.
      Head nut at Outdoorlogic
      Like us on face book to get updates about local runs, and monthly sales specials


      • #4
        BArker is harnessed when on the road, on trail he has his leash.
        Last year I saw an example of how a dog knows more about when to bail than we do.
        right Jilldog?
        censored for having an opinion


        • #5
          I installed Raingler nets, so my doggie is free to roam around but he can not jump out, or get thrown out. He has survived 1 rollover and 1 flop.
          "your jeep looks so hot!!"


          • #6
            Oh yeah...I let him get used to being in the jeep while it was still in the garage. I covered any sharp edges with foam. At first he was trying to fight all the bumps, now he just rolls with it.

            I haven't heard any complaints.
            "your jeep looks so hot!!"


            • #7
              My dog has free roam of the jeep to/from the trail, and free roam of the trail while I am on the trail. I generally don't let her ride in the jeep while on the trail....and absolutely never while on any obstacles.

              She isn't the best trained dog out there, but she sure doesn't chase rabbits....the rabbits chase her! friggin 60 pound lap dog. I get to thank Tammy for that one.
              olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!

              Price is soon forgotton, quality is not.



              • #8
                My jeep dog was a German short hair named Zip! And boy was she. She was a great dog but no matter how much her collar would zap her she would still chase after rabbits. She rode shotgun in my patrol vehicle (a jeep by the way). And would sit there well behaved….until she saw a rabbit. And there were lots of them. I patrolled all the open space for the Mojave Indians. It was a great time everybody thought she was a drug dog. So I let them keep thinking that. Out four wheeling I would keep her on a leash because of her rabbit fetish.
                Head nut at Outdoorlogic
                Like us on face book to get updates about local runs, and monthly sales specials


                • #9
                  heres my pooch on white mountain.

                  and here he is on john bull

                  1st batch TJ bought August of 96. Locked and Loaded!


                  • #10
                    Here's the original JeepDawg (Kisu, now 13 1/2 years old):

                    I usually have him on his leash, tied off to the seatbelt. I have a harness but don't use it much. When the trails get steep, he finds his way into the passenger side footwell.

                    Here's JeepDawg version 2.0 (Sasha, who's 12 weeks old now):


                    • #11
                      Jay...your pup is ADORABLE!

                      Here's Zoe when she was teeny weenie...only about 6 weeks:

                      Her she is now:

                      She generally runs alongside the Jeep when we're rock crawling, and rides with a harness when we're driving. Being an Australian Shepard, she tends to herd people AND Jeeps...she runs from the front of the group to the back, attempting to keep everyone together. She knows to get up and out of the way, and moves clear when she hears an engine. She would indeed chase a rabbit, but she'd come back all on her own. She has become a VERY good trail dog. Chris and I can't imagine wheeling without her.

                      Last edited by JeepGal; 08-18-06, 08:47 PM.
                      2002 TJ on 35s a bit of lift with some stuff
                      Rock-ItMan all the way around


                      • #12
                        Cute dog, Tam!

                        I couldn't let my huskies run along on the trail, they'd wander far and wide.


                        • #13
                          Jeep Dawg, someone mention a Jeep Dawg?
                          It is hard to be humble when you are the best Jeep Dawg out there

                          I even get to be FJ Cruiser dog sometimes
                          Last edited by Beatrice; 08-20-06, 02:29 AM.
                          Have Smackos, will travel


                          • #14
                            Nice dawgs!

                            Not sure if FJ Cruiser dawg has the same ring to it. . . ;-)

