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Laying down grass, any suggestions?


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  • Laying down grass, any suggestions?

    First time doing this, only had my first house for a year now so I'm still learnig how to do "house stuff".Never having worked in construction does'nt help either. So far I've killed the weed jungle I had going on with weed/grass killer, gonna rent a rototiller in a little while. The area being done in only 25' x 40' so I got this sprinkler thing that covers the whole area but I still plan on getting a timer for it. So I guess my next step after this is to remove all the excess soil (which is real sandy by the way) and lay down a layer of compost, even it out with a 2'x 4'(?). Then I'm getting some marathon sod and lay it out on top ,(in an stagard pattern?)I got a dog so I think laying down seed may be a battle. Also I got this gopher, still trying to figure out how to kill it. Did this bait thing but he's still around. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    “Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. ”
    -Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

  • #2

    Be carefull what you use because of your dog. Talk to your Vet on what is safe to get rid of those pecky critters.


    • #3
      If I had a choice, I wouldnt use compost or manure, as they are generally full of weed seeds, and youll be battling them from here on out. Use weed free soil to build up our existing soil.

      Next, You need to compact the soil with something. If you cant justify renting a roller, use something heavy and flat. The soil will compact unevenly if you dont, and youll end up with a lawn thats not flat.

      Good luck with your new lawn! Its instant gratification putting in sod

      Gopher bomb. Dirty deed is done.

      Last edited by JeepGal; 05-14-06, 12:25 PM.
      2002 TJ on 35s a bit of lift with some stuff
      Rock-ItMan all the way around


      • #4
        I had a gopher problem about 2 years ago. I tried everything. A friend told me to try propane. I gigled and put some in the hole for about 10 minutes. Nothing happend, so then I took a full 5 gal can of propane and completely emptied it in the hole and covered it up. All the gophers in the neighborhood were gased. No more gopher problem. I'm serious about this. It really works. Instant gas chamber.
        1994 Toyota, dual cases, 5.29 axles with ARB's


        • #5
          Highway flares work for gophers too, just light and drop in the hole and cover.
          As far as the sod, the more you can prepare the soil the better, maybe a sprinkler system on a timer too. Water the soil for a week or so to get it nice and damp before putting the sod down plus that will make any left over weeds grow then you can knock them down, again. I don't know if I'd do the tiller thing (remember all those weeds grew just fine and Marathon was created from hay or fescue which grows like a weed), it may just make more work and since your on sandy soil drainage and compacting should'nt be an issue. Spread some fertilizer before you put the sod down and after, water, water, water and don't mow for 3 - 4 weeks and when you do mow for the first time keep it high and little by little cut more, just go slow, you don't want to pull on the new roots developing and water, water, water. I've set my sprinkler timer for 2 or 3am so the water can soak in before daylight.

          Good planting, Tom


          • #6
            When I had a gopher problem, I used a hose and filled their holes with water. When they came up for air, I took their little heads off with the shovel. Then pushed their wet body back down as a message to all other gophers. No more problems.
            The water would help you provide some moisture for your new lawn also.

            Proud to be an American! Sharetrails/BRC President.
            Sponsors: BFG, Raceline, Advance Adapters, Currie, T&T Customs.


            • #7
              My only advice is ... and gosh I love saying this ...

              GREEN SIDE UP!!

              hahaha! (sorry)
              :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


              • #8
                HA! Thanx you guys for your infinite wisdom.
                “Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. ”
                -Gen. George S. Patton Jr.


                • #9

                  So I'm watching the backyard turn green (ended up planting seed) and I'm coming home late at night from work so I'm only glanncing at the backyard periodically making sure the water is still going etc. I come out one day to check my excellent work when I notice some patches of crab grass. I had'nt been watching it close enought to catch it and it's spread pretty gnarly. So I start yanking it out, reseeding it with topsoil that has manure in it (thus burning some of the grass) spraying it with weed killer, long story short, I got some bald and brown spots..........but hey! Does'nt look too shaby. Now my kids have a little cool back yard to play in instead of a dust bowl.
                  “Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. ”
                  -Gen. George S. Patton Jr.


                  • #10
                    Looks good for a new lawn, I'd say...I mean Ive seen worse
                    WTF Mate?

                    Confucious Say: He who stand on high on pot.

                    (HllllllllH) vroom VROOM

