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Not to contradict you, but I think thats enough for Kalifornia. Not the intelligent, concerned, politically informed Kalifornians, but plenty for the rest of us....them. I meant them.
I'm a Daddy!!
[COLOR=DarkRed] Rear bumper/tire carrier and front bumper!![/COLOR]
hahaha! you're possibly right and i do think arnold will actually (sadly) win, but it doesn't change my vote. i think, as long as we get davis out, we'll be good to go in either direction.
Let's see how Arnie does against the real Terminator - John Burton. Slogans and sound bites don't work on a guy like Burton. And without Burton, Arnie can't reach the senate. Arnie is going to find out what it's like trying to drive a Hummer through a forest of big rocks.
I'm sorry, I can't help it. But I keep having this dream that Ahnold could actually be the first person to rein in those evil, out-of-control Sierra clubbers. :mad: Those freaks have done more to ruin my favorite pursuits than anyone. Only the Sierra Club could but bicycles in the same catagory as buses, dumptrucks and minivans. Uh-oh I'm ranting. Did I mention that I despise the Sierra Club?
It's not the size of your tire, it's how you place it!
There is a way to deal with Sierra Clubbers. Make them think Jeeping is their idea. Michael Moore wrote a new book called, "Dude, Where's My Country." In it he tells of a way to talk to rightwing conservatives (if you are a leftist liberal).
Using his method you have to convince the SC (Sierra Clubber) that Jeeping is beneficial to the environment. I had to defend myself at Oceano. Let them know that our fees for 4WD park use (especially for the red and green stickers) goes toward buying new land to ride on. That we only get to drive on about a third of that land. The other two thirds is land set aside as buffer for the wildlife and hikers. 4Wheelers purchase large tracts of land that would otherwise be built on and over developed.
Let them know we use the Tread Lightly philosophy. I showed the nature nut that was yelping at me the plastic bottles I had picked up while riding at Oceano. I had a full garbage bag of them. He shut up for a moment. He griped about the air quality issue. I reminded him that certain OHVs can't ride during certain parts of the year to protect the air quality. Then I reminded him that he drove to the "fragile spot" in a car and that any vehicle within 50 miles was going to impact the area. Since the building of the OHV park at Pismo the endangered bird population has increased.
See, just educate yourself for the arguments that you will be facing. Scientia est potentia. Knowledge is power.